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Saturday, May 07, 2011

Between The Pages

it's no big shocker that i'm not the most well liked person in the world. I've known that for years. But something just occurred to me. Seeing the look on people's faces when they hear that i've read Pride & Prejudice 12 times in my now 29 years is generally followed by some form of "wow you read a lot!" and so therefore just finishing a variation the movie Sense & Sensibility and in a nutshell being stood up by a friend... I started thinking on why I do read as much as I do. I've come to this conclusion...

a book will never let you down, tell you you're ugly, stupid, fat or not good enough.a book will be there when you need a friend, time to get away from reality or even to help you fall asleep. characters don't change each time you re-read a story. and yes the cliche "you can be anyone you want to or go anywhere you want to go." but most of all if you get bored... Or the stor doesnlt quite fit. You can close it and read something else.