Wedding Countdown Ticker

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Waiting On The Doctor...

I have to admit... I'm a geek. I think just about everyone who knows me knows that I'm a geek. I like to read. not so weird. right? Well throw in that I love Science Fiction... yeah... kinda odd for a girl. Oh well. I am who I am.

No I don't think Vampires & Fairies really exist. I know there are people who drink blood and perform "witch craft" but that's they're lifestyle. Is blood the only hope of their survival? No. I don't think pig or snake people really exist. However... I truly can't say the same about aliens. I don't mean illegal immigrants here. I mean outer space... little green men... "take me to your leader"... aliens.

No I'm not crazy.

Think about it for a minute. Has there been any logical proof that they do not exist? No. From an open minded, unbiased, unjudgemental, Christian standpoint who's to say that they don't? If God was a "selfish" God and created us to worship Him... why would He only create one world? He created many races and languages.... yes I know the story behind why we speak different languages so don't try to lecture me here. But how do we know that he didn't create life forms (and I believe the'd still be "in His image") in places we'd never find them. We know other galaxies exist. What if there are other "beings" in those galaxies too?

I've even thought about "Well Jesus saved us from sin. He didn't save those people." What if they didn't need Him? What if sin hasn't happened yet out there? And if it has... maybe He did save them. I don't think the universe can as large as it is for nothing.

So anyway... I was watching one of my favorite shows, Doctor Who, on BBC America today and I can't help but feeling like I've been waiting for The Doctor my whole life. That one person who doesn't mind my geeky side. Who's as much of a geek as I am. Maybe not in the same ways I am but a geek nonetheless.  I don't mean I'm looking for my "soul mate" I already married him and I wouldn't trade him for the world. I just mean a friend, a mate, a compadre someone (besides my husband of course) who I can feel totally true to who I really am without thoughts of them looking at me like I'm crazy... ever!

I love my husbands, best friends and my sisters... but even they look at me like I'm from another planet sometimes. LOL

- Stacey Ree -

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Between The Pages

it's no big shocker that i'm not the most well liked person in the world. I've known that for years. But something just occurred to me. Seeing the look on people's faces when they hear that i've read Pride & Prejudice 12 times in my now 29 years is generally followed by some form of "wow you read a lot!" and so therefore just finishing a variation the movie Sense & Sensibility and in a nutshell being stood up by a friend... I started thinking on why I do read as much as I do. I've come to this conclusion...

a book will never let you down, tell you you're ugly, stupid, fat or not good enough.a book will be there when you need a friend, time to get away from reality or even to help you fall asleep. characters don't change each time you re-read a story. and yes the cliche "you can be anyone you want to or go anywhere you want to go." but most of all if you get bored... Or the stor doesnlt quite fit. You can close it and read something else.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

tears of a bride...

listening to: myself typing...

I finally broke down. The stress of planning a wedding primarily alone has finally taken it's toll on me. I cried. hard. a lot. over the past few days. I think what finally gave me that shove over the edge of the cliff was that after a day out with my friend, Micki. I tried on my dress. I had bought an "accessory" for it and wanted to see how it looked. But when I put it on it wouldn't zip up.

every bride's worst nightmare... ok one of the largest... is that her dress won't fit. I took the dress off feeling defeated and hung it back up. then went back into the living room only to be confronted with a V8 commercial where a bride simply drinks a V8 and miraculously her dress zips up all the way. I fell over into a puddle. it wasn't pretty. I couldn't even think about it without crying for a few days. My poor sisters, mom & Nick had to deal with my sobbing for the majority of the time.

Now i will admit it wasn't extremely bad. but i need to loose 5 - 10 lbs in order for it to fit again. I've been wanting to start eating right and working out again. this actually was a blessing in disguise. not the kind i would wish on any bride but a blessing nonetheless. I've been a lot more active and actually trying to eat better instead of just saying i'm going to.

i only hope it works. i'm walking down that isle december 18th. with or without that dress. i just prefer with the dress. that's a major part of what every girl dreams about is the dress. i don't want to miss that of mine.

- Stacey Ree -

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


listening to: "Touch A New Day" by: Lena Meyer-Landrut
has it really been so long since my last post? wow! sorry. :/

I'm so excited and terrified at the same time that in just over 3 months I will be Mrs. Nick West!!!!

We went and got our engagement pics taken and got them back. they turned out AMAZING!!! Also my mom, sisters & Leslie did a great job on my shower... even with my meltdown the night before. I still feel bad over that... and I can't thank them enough!

Our big thing to knock out now is our rehearsal dinner. BUT I think now I should start knocking out 5 things at once. I need to focus on the music, decor & flowers too!

I'm about to dive in head first... and... go...
- Stacey Ree -

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

dates and updates...

listening to: *has to stop and try to hear what's playing in the other room on the air* "In The Blink Of An Eye" by: MercyMe
well good news is I've calmed down. I'm not freaking out like I was in the last post... ok not as much. :)

Nick and I pick out the minister, William Guice. he's cool. I was nervous going to meet him the first time. Nick picked him out. I picked out the pastor at our church but he's kinda hard to get a hold of. Nick once again made a good choice though. I'm glad we went with William. He's also doing our premarital counseling which was supposed to start last week but life happened and it ended up being more of a lunch "get together" than a counseling session. But I'm not complaining. It was a good chance to meet his wife who will be sitting in on a few sessions in the future. :)

my sisters, mom & leslie are diligently working on the bridal shower which I'm really excited about. I can't wait to go back and see everyone. Especially my nieces!!! those girls need aunt stacey hugs i know it!!!!! :D not to mention it's gonna be really good to see leslie before she leaves for the first country ( I know it's really selfish of me... but i don't want her to go. i want her at my wedding standing at my side. :( but it's not like it doesn't kill her that she can't be there. so that makes me feel better... which is selfish too in all honesty.

Anyway... now that we got the minister checked off the list i've been working on our registries again. trying to get them down to the final cut. We're registered at Bed Bath & Beyond and Target and our house is not going to have a certain decor... just colors.. we're decorating in Blue, Green and Brown... any shade... just not pastels if possible... more on the darker side... only not Navy... ok so maybe it's a little more specific that i thought. HAHAHA

well I better get ready to go. my shift is almost over. i'm so glad tomorrow will be back to live shows. wally has been gone the past 2 days so i had to do "best of" shows.
- Stacey Ree -

OH! and as long as i'm posting links... in case you missed it or i didn't post it check out our ceremony photographer Shannon Hairr & engagement photographer Amanda Donaho