Wedding Countdown Ticker

Monday, October 31, 2005

Pets with bite...

What is the oddest pet you've ever had... This was mine...

ok So that isn't EXACTY him. I found that on a site online but it looks JUST LIKE him. His name was Slooky and he was an Axolotl

basically.. he was an albino salamander with fringe... HE WAS COOL!

- Stacey -

Sunday, October 30, 2005

weird words rock!

Have you ever made up a word that is so... "you" and then people made fun of it and thought it was like the greatest thing in the world and the whole reason you made it up was to be different?

Yeup! Happened to me today! My word? Afeared. You know "I was afeared" to be used instead of "afraid". And who made fun of it... MY BEST FRIEND! That seriously saddens me!

What are your "weird words"?

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

on cloud 109!

I had a FANTASTIC day today! I had hardly any sleep last night cause of the SPECTACULAR concert last night in Kzoo. I have now seen Sanctus Real twice, Pillar three times and Kids In The Way... FOUR TIMES! That makes Kids the band that I've seen the most times EVER!

Not to mention I got an e-mail from someone that I thought I honestly I would NEVER hear from again! I LOVE MY JOB!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Oh happy day!

I finally got to punch out for the LAST TIME tonight. I've been working at a super center for the past 5 years and it's time to move on. I landed the job at the station and so I have been pulling 7 days a week for the past almost 3 months...

Not fun when I am working at shows, pulling late nights and doing remotes for the station ON TOP of the 7 days. It was really begining to get to me. I've been SUPER cranky and it's cause I'm just not getting any sleep.

I was going to continue this scarade until the first of the year but the moment Kendra & Emmalee (my BEAUTUFUL neices) came over and asked "Are we gonna see Aunt Stacey tonight" the second they walked in the door... I knew it was time to cut the tie that binds and leave.

NO REGRETS... in fact... i danced the whole way out. :)

btw... thanks to Corey, Shane, Nick, Aimee, Natalie, Steve, Dave K, Dave G, Peg, Jennifer & Kathy for coming to my going away party...

Thanks to Nick for hosting it and thanks to Ava for the cookies... they were yummy!!!

- Stacey

Friday, October 21, 2005

Woah!... OUCH!

you know I just had to tell you cause I just know that you want to know... I just sneezed twice and the second time i hit my knee on the bottom of my desk...

don't do that in case you ever wanted to... it hurts!

SANCTUS REAL (second time seeing them), PILLAR (third time seeing them) & KIDS IN THE WAY(fourth time seeing them) IN 4 DAYS!!!!!!

btw... i'm listening to htt:// but it wont let me say that.
WAHOO GO IRISH PEOPLE!!! (hey that's me!)

- "Stacey The Intern" -

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


No reason really for this blog post... just want to see how many people acutally bother reading it... Seems like JOE gets all the readers.

J.J. Joe. It's cool. I'm just a weekend DJ I dont matter as much as you & Couchman hahahahahahaha

- Stacey -

Monday, October 17, 2005

quick poll

ok how many of you have "Stepped out of your box" and took a risk and then as soon as you did you felt the need to take that risk back?

And... in the end... was the risk worth it?



rough night... haven't been able to get any sleep again. I wish I could make these thoughts go away. I wish I didn't feel like my heart was eating away at my insides. I wish I knew more of what God has in store for me. So far I've got the job scene down.. but what about the rest of it? Why am I losing sleep over it? Am I looking too hard. I try to just let him take over and guide me but for some reason I just keep taking a wrong turn.... Woops... miss the exit again... remind me to take it next time, Lord.

I just want to know that I'm not doing the wrong thing. That my path is leading to where he his leading. I know there will be bumps and sharp curves that I should slow down for... but I just... yeah... enough of this pity party... I'll update soon again. I promise. And I promise it'll be happy!

- Stacey -

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Stranded w/ Hawk Nelson

Well what have I been up to... work.. work... oh and more work. But it's cool cause i love my job! I'm getting more and more excited as the Pillar show gets closer... only thing is that I realized that I will have seen Kids In The Way 4 times and Starfield 3... that's it I have to e-mail the guys telling them they HAVE to come back so I can see them the most times again. hahahaha

Well I'm seriously sad cause I just found out today that Andy (my friend from Redhanded... now The Emberlight) and his band's cd release party is on a day that I can't make. That makes me want to cry. I'm usually really good about supporting them. :*( So guys if you're reading this... I WANT TO GO!

Ok the part I know some of you have come wondering about... Jason from Hawk Nelson & I stranded in a closet together???? *shocked sound*

No... well ok sort of... See what happened was at the TFK show Mike & I went to go on stage to throw out the WaYfm stuff like footballs and I think we had waterbottles... i don't remember... anyway! So we went in the "Stage Door" to go on and Mike was like "Stay here for a second." Well two guys from HN were in there cause they had just came off and TFK was getting ready to go on. So I stood there and one guy left leaving Jason and I alone....

SUPER awkward!!!!

It was funny though cause it was one of those... I don't know what to say but I'm going to try and make small talk anyway... He started the conversation. But it was one of those moments where putting your foot in your mouth would have been a GOOD idea cause then you'd be able to KNOW what to talk about! hahahahaha

Remember... Smile... You're beautiful and God loves you!

- Stacey -

Friday, October 14, 2005

Off The Wall Dreams....

The strangest thing happened to me last night. I had a dream about a guy I’m not even attracted to and see all the time. In the dream he kissed me and we were joking around like we were in love with each other but trying to not let our friends find out. I just saw him a few minutes ago and I couldn’t help but laugh cause We’re SO not each other’s type. But of course I couldn’t let him see me laugh cause then I’d have to tell him why and that would just be weird

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Act 2: Scene 1

Act 2: Scene 1

I take the stage
hiding behind a mask
outside I smile
nothing gets me down
Inside I cry
do they even know my name
I do my dance
I sing and laugh
applause fills the air
I have succeeded once more
the act was a hit
the curtain falls
my eyes fill with tears as I exit stage left
the cheering is gone
the show has ended
playing my part is easy
i convince myself that it's not an act
You pass by
No make up
no costume
just you
I feel the trap door beneith my feet begin to give way
I cannot speak
"five minutes to show time"
I wipe the tears
reapply the war paint
the curtain rises
It begins again
a new day
an new act
the show must go on

I got really "down" one night and couldn't sleep. Next thing I knew I had written this... I haven't written anything in a while - I think I need to polish my skills

- Stacey -

Monday, October 10, 2005

work & Joe hahaha

This is for Joe hahahaha

life is good... work is going really well. I'm all excited cause I get to meet Number One Gun tomorrow when they come to the station. Then on the 25th I'm taking Cierra, Leslie & Corey to see Pillar, Audio Adrenaline, Superchick, Sanctus Real & Kids In The Way. Totally gonna be a good show... just pray I don't freeze and get attacked this Friday like I did at the last football game hahahaa