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Saturday, October 15, 2005

Stranded w/ Hawk Nelson

Well what have I been up to... work.. work... oh and more work. But it's cool cause i love my job! I'm getting more and more excited as the Pillar show gets closer... only thing is that I realized that I will have seen Kids In The Way 4 times and Starfield 3... that's it I have to e-mail the guys telling them they HAVE to come back so I can see them the most times again. hahahaha

Well I'm seriously sad cause I just found out today that Andy (my friend from Redhanded... now The Emberlight) and his band's cd release party is on a day that I can't make. That makes me want to cry. I'm usually really good about supporting them. :*( So guys if you're reading this... I WANT TO GO!

Ok the part I know some of you have come wondering about... Jason from Hawk Nelson & I stranded in a closet together???? *shocked sound*

No... well ok sort of... See what happened was at the TFK show Mike & I went to go on stage to throw out the WaYfm stuff like footballs and I think we had waterbottles... i don't remember... anyway! So we went in the "Stage Door" to go on and Mike was like "Stay here for a second." Well two guys from HN were in there cause they had just came off and TFK was getting ready to go on. So I stood there and one guy left leaving Jason and I alone....

SUPER awkward!!!!

It was funny though cause it was one of those... I don't know what to say but I'm going to try and make small talk anyway... He started the conversation. But it was one of those moments where putting your foot in your mouth would have been a GOOD idea cause then you'd be able to KNOW what to talk about! hahahahaha

Remember... Smile... You're beautiful and God loves you!

- Stacey -