Wedding Countdown Ticker

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Act 2: Scene 1

Act 2: Scene 1

I take the stage
hiding behind a mask
outside I smile
nothing gets me down
Inside I cry
do they even know my name
I do my dance
I sing and laugh
applause fills the air
I have succeeded once more
the act was a hit
the curtain falls
my eyes fill with tears as I exit stage left
the cheering is gone
the show has ended
playing my part is easy
i convince myself that it's not an act
You pass by
No make up
no costume
just you
I feel the trap door beneith my feet begin to give way
I cannot speak
"five minutes to show time"
I wipe the tears
reapply the war paint
the curtain rises
It begins again
a new day
an new act
the show must go on

I got really "down" one night and couldn't sleep. Next thing I knew I had written this... I haven't written anything in a while - I think I need to polish my skills

- Stacey -