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Friday, December 30, 2005

My SUPER secret New Years Res...

Ok here's the deal... I'm only telling my 2006 New Years Resolution to certain people. YOU CAN BE ONE OF THEM!

Wait there's a catch... dun dun dun...

The only WaY I will tell you is if you be part of this little deal I'm doing... the deal is I tell you and you tell me... We act as a support for each other. You help me keep mine and vise versa...


Friday, December 23, 2005


Ok so it's CHRISTmas Eve... Eve... Anyway... The office closed at noon and it's 3:33pm and I'm sitting in my office watching Christian videos and answering your e-mails. PLEASE SEND MORE! I love hearing what you think about the station and the music we play on WaYfm. You're the reason we're here. We couldn't play the music you like to hear with out your donations and on going support and prayers. I don't care who says "we've got the best fans ever"... WaYfm does! We've got the craziest too!!! You are insane! Be we love it!

For those of you that did not attend... last night was the last night of the WaYfm Caroling trip. We had fun getting to know those of you that did attend both nights. On Wednesday we our crazy listeners were riding those little airplane & car penny rides like every store has. Thursday night a few listeners shoved an entire donut into their mouths and attempted to sing "Oh Holy Night"

Yes I have BOTH on video!!! Trust me you'll laugh your way to tears! Let me know if you're interested in watching either one BEFORE they get submitted for the WaYfm website.

- Stacey -

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Bad singing & confusing cars

ok first off I have this idea... why don't the car making people make cars from now on with this thing that says "you have a plugged carborator" or "You need to fill your winshield fluid" or "hey down here! GET A NEW ENGINE!"

See people like me aren't smart enough to know what's wrong when the "check engine light" comes on.

on another note it's that time again when carolers hit the streets... all of you in Kalamazoo... you have one more day before you should stay inside with cotton balls in your ears... you Grand Rapids listeners... sorry you're time is up. Tonight in GR and tomorrow in Kzoo myself, Moose the intern from the Night Show with Joe & a group of WaYfm listeners will be hitting the streets in hopes of making someones "CHRISTmas" by singing the best we can... sorry can't say it's gonna sound wonderful cause let's face it... there's a reason we talk on the radio instead of singing...

So be on the look out and make sure to say hi and let us know you listen to 88.3 and 89.9 WaYfm!

- Stacey -

Monday, December 19, 2005

I'm still here!

Ok so I've had quite a few people tell me I need to update my blog.... which is SUPER funny considering Couchman & Joe are some of the VERY few people who actually respond. Oh well at least people are reading it right? That's all that matters. hahahaha

ANYWAY... (hahahahaha - directed towards Moose the Intern)

Work is going REALLY well. We have our WaYfm christmas luncheon tomorrow morning. We're doing a white elephant gift exchange... I'll let you know how that goes. hahahaha

Many of you know about the accident ... umm... a week ago?.... yeah cause it was a week ago yesterday... that my cousin, Alyse got into... Anyway.... well come to find out there was another accident! No not Alyse this time... it was my cousin (One of the like 10 best friends) on my dad's side, Kelley. (Alyse is on my mom's side... and if you look in my top 8... it's Leslie's twin - they look NOTHING alike. Welll ok they have the same hair color (but different shades - Leslie's is more red... Alyse's is more Orange) and they have the same last name... that's about it) ANYWAY... man I ramble.... so Kelley apparently spun out and hit a brick wall. She totally wrecked her BMW (must be nice) and so my Aunt (Kelley's mom) just told me she got a new MUSTANG for Christmas. I think I have the wrong parents!!! Well... ok I would have gotten something like a Liberty -or- a Ram instead of the Mustang. *doesn't like Ford* MOOSE!!! FORDS STINK!!! :p hahahhaha

ok that's my update for now cause nothing really exciting is happening at this moment in time... Something is brewing that will be SUPER exciting for me IF the rumor is true. I'm waiting on a phone call (ok Couchman is) -or- an e-mail to get it confirmed. As soon as I know I'll let you know!

TOODLES! Remember... SMILE! You're beautiful! God loves you!

- Stacey -

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Narnia... Not so date with Corey

ok first of IT WAS NOT A DATE!!! I took one of my best friends, Corey with me to see The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe today. We got a sneak peak kind of thing since it comes out tomorrow. It was sort of a thank you gift from work.. the college gave all they employees 2 free tickets. We both wanted to see it so I took him. ANYWAY...

it was a GREAT movie! There was only like a few parts where it really looked like it was CG. Corey said he really enjoyed it as well. So we BOTH recomend it. I wanted to pet Aslan. He looked so soft and fluffy. So go see it and leave me a message telling me what you thought of it.

and no, Joe, I did NOT cry. hahahahaha

- Stacey -

Monday, December 05, 2005

Sick and Needing Contact With Earth

Well as you can tell from the title of this blog entry... I'm home sick.... and I hate it. All I've done since I called in to work is check my e-mail and call the station with questions. I love my job and I wish I were there instead of here. Then I wouldn't feel so useless. I'LL BE BACK TOMORROW, MIKE & JOE!!!!

- Stacey -