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Monday, December 19, 2005

I'm still here!

Ok so I've had quite a few people tell me I need to update my blog.... which is SUPER funny considering Couchman & Joe are some of the VERY few people who actually respond. Oh well at least people are reading it right? That's all that matters. hahahaha

ANYWAY... (hahahahaha - directed towards Moose the Intern)

Work is going REALLY well. We have our WaYfm christmas luncheon tomorrow morning. We're doing a white elephant gift exchange... I'll let you know how that goes. hahahaha

Many of you know about the accident ... umm... a week ago?.... yeah cause it was a week ago yesterday... that my cousin, Alyse got into... Anyway.... well come to find out there was another accident! No not Alyse this time... it was my cousin (One of the like 10 best friends) on my dad's side, Kelley. (Alyse is on my mom's side... and if you look in my top 8... it's Leslie's twin - they look NOTHING alike. Welll ok they have the same hair color (but different shades - Leslie's is more red... Alyse's is more Orange) and they have the same last name... that's about it) ANYWAY... man I ramble.... so Kelley apparently spun out and hit a brick wall. She totally wrecked her BMW (must be nice) and so my Aunt (Kelley's mom) just told me she got a new MUSTANG for Christmas. I think I have the wrong parents!!! Well... ok I would have gotten something like a Liberty -or- a Ram instead of the Mustang. *doesn't like Ford* MOOSE!!! FORDS STINK!!! :p hahahhaha

ok that's my update for now cause nothing really exciting is happening at this moment in time... Something is brewing that will be SUPER exciting for me IF the rumor is true. I'm waiting on a phone call (ok Couchman is) -or- an e-mail to get it confirmed. As soon as I know I'll let you know!

TOODLES! Remember... SMILE! You're beautiful! God loves you!

- Stacey -