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Friday, December 23, 2005


Ok so it's CHRISTmas Eve... Eve... Anyway... The office closed at noon and it's 3:33pm and I'm sitting in my office watching Christian videos and answering your e-mails. PLEASE SEND MORE! I love hearing what you think about the station and the music we play on WaYfm. You're the reason we're here. We couldn't play the music you like to hear with out your donations and on going support and prayers. I don't care who says "we've got the best fans ever"... WaYfm does! We've got the craziest too!!! You are insane! Be we love it!

For those of you that did not attend... last night was the last night of the WaYfm Caroling trip. We had fun getting to know those of you that did attend both nights. On Wednesday we our crazy listeners were riding those little airplane & car penny rides like every store has. Thursday night a few listeners shoved an entire donut into their mouths and attempted to sing "Oh Holy Night"

Yes I have BOTH on video!!! Trust me you'll laugh your way to tears! Let me know if you're interested in watching either one BEFORE they get submitted for the WaYfm website.

- Stacey -