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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Bad singing & confusing cars

ok first off I have this idea... why don't the car making people make cars from now on with this thing that says "you have a plugged carborator" or "You need to fill your winshield fluid" or "hey down here! GET A NEW ENGINE!"

See people like me aren't smart enough to know what's wrong when the "check engine light" comes on.

on another note it's that time again when carolers hit the streets... all of you in Kalamazoo... you have one more day before you should stay inside with cotton balls in your ears... you Grand Rapids listeners... sorry you're time is up. Tonight in GR and tomorrow in Kzoo myself, Moose the intern from the Night Show with Joe & a group of WaYfm listeners will be hitting the streets in hopes of making someones "CHRISTmas" by singing the best we can... sorry can't say it's gonna sound wonderful cause let's face it... there's a reason we talk on the radio instead of singing...

So be on the look out and make sure to say hi and let us know you listen to 88.3 and 89.9 WaYfm!

- Stacey -