Wedding Countdown Ticker

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Last Night.

Ok if you don't understand what I'm saying it's cause I'm REALLY tired! Last night was the Superchic[k], KJ-52, Eleventy Seven & Seventh Day Slumber show at the Ground Floor the evening was a riot and a half as you can tell...

As you can tell... Yep! FUUUUUUN Night! With a little help from my new friends, Eleventy Seven (Jonathan attacking me & laughing, Matt doing a funny face, and Caleb rubbing my head) and all of the wonderful WaYfm listeners that came out to the show!

This was by far one of the best shows I've ever been to! If you were there I hope you had even a portion of the fun I had! Allswell in the land of FAKE beleive! hahahaha SAVE THE UNICORNS! If you want to understand what I just said... go to

I'm going back to bed

- Stacey -

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The new edition

She's here! My beautifule niece #3, Joslynn Rose was born at like 6:30 this evening. she weighed 7 lbs 3 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. We're all so happy she's finally here! Kendra & Emmalee may be more excited then anyone... mainly because Kendra has 2 sisters now and Emmalee is now a big sister. :) I love those girls! Anyway... here she is... isn't she a doll???

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Family Force 5

Ok so the Family Force 5 cd, "Business Up Front Party In The Back" came out yesterday. This cd is a MUST HAVE! I am really impressed with it. But then again that doesn't surprise me. Anyway. The track "Replace Me" that we play on WaYfm... the cd version is better... you can't really tell the difference until the 1 for body 2 for the soul part. But yep... Pick it up!

- k- bye

- Stacey -

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Talk about INSANE!

Ok honestly! Why do guys feel the need to make girls wait? Be it waiting for a guy to pick a girl up for a date... the guy to grow up... or for the guy to just finally admit that he likes her even though everyone around him has known it for a while!

Yes all of the above are true! I can think of 3 girls & 4 guys off the top of my head as I write this. This is just crazy. I know girls play games and girls can take a while to get ready for things and the list goes on. But when a guy says he's on his way to pick you up, he lives 3 minutes away and 2 1/2 hours later he pulls up... THAT'S JUST INSANE!!!

The guy that takes forever to grow up usually makes every thing out to be "her" fault. That in itself is stupid. YOU SCREWED UP OWN UP TO IT!

As for that other "I like her... no I don't"... Just admit it already! You're driving us all crazy!

The girls know who they are so I'm not about to name names and point fingers at them cause it's not their fault this happens. And ok so know these guys aren't gonna be like "oh hey! I think I'm gonna read Stacey's blog today. (or ever)" and then on top of it realize I mean them. So I'm holding out hope. But come on! I think all of us girls know guys like this... I think the guys reading this can admit that they even know guys like this.

So honestly? What's the point?

Ok done ranting now.

- Stacey -

Friday, March 17, 2006

St Pats & Drama, Drama, Drama...

well cause everyone is gonna say it anyway... HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! I love being Irish!

moving on...

ok well Natalie came over last Wednesday night. We had a blast just listening to music & watching my 2003 See Spot Rock DVD. We haven't watched that in a while. Not to mention since we watched it last she's developed quite the crush on John Reuben. She's so funny. But yeah. We set up a myspace for her and she was having a blast and a half doing that. She's an addict now. hahaha

Last night was Father Daughter Banquet Night 1 of 2. It was a super busy day. I had to check in radios that morning. Then I had to go pick up the boutonnieres for the WCSG guys. Then I had to wash the WCSG vehicle inside & out. THEN I had to go pick up our 'entertainment', Scott Krippayne. Who by the way is super nice. :)

So then when we (Scott & I) got to the banquet I helped Lee set up Scott's merch table. Then checked all the tables for pens & a center piece. Then Hannah asked me to take pictures of the banquet. THEN I went back to help Lee sell Scott's merch. Then there was the merch tear down and then I took Scott back to his hotel and went home.... AND CRASHED!

I just feel bad for Patty & Hannah. Those poor people haven't had sleep in I think it's safe to say weeks. Not to mention Tommy & Brooke. They do the WCSG morning show. So they were up early to do that then had stuff all day long to do and then had to MC the show. But they looked handled it well. It could be worse for me... I could have had any one of those 4 peoples day... Yeah I can't really complain.

Well. I'm awake. It's St. Pat's Day (I LOVE BEING IRISH!) and it's time to get my day started so I can go in early to fight my way into a production studio to voice track my shows before I have to leave to pick up Scott for Father Daughter Banquet Night 2. :)


- Stacey -

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Everyday randomness

So tell me... What do you do when a good friend (of the opposite sex who has told you he has a thing for you) calls you at 3:30am (probably drunk) and tells you that you're the loneliest person in a relationship he's ever met????

Hypothetically speaking of course.

oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY yesterday Corey!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Your mission...

dun dun dun

you mission should you choose to take it...

*dramatic pause*

go to and listen to a really good song by a great band.

Listen to the first single "My Generation" form the new cd "Beauty In The Broken" set it hit stores (after many pushed back street dates) May 16, 2006. :)

Give it a listen and be sure to let me know what you think!

- Stacey -

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Bambi and the Wizard

It's the new sci-fi Disney movie about a budding wizard, Harry Potter, who realizes he's really a dear that's trying to protect all the creatures in his forest while learning he has a crush on, Hermione Granger, the cute light colored fawn across the path. But alas... she's smarter than him and will not admit she's in love with Ron Weasley, who just happens to be Harry & Hermione's other best friend. *sigh*

Nah I'm just kidding. But I'm all geeked cause the latest Harry Potter movie comes out today. I haven't hung out with Corey in quite a while. He was waiting to watch HP4 in the theatres till I could go with him... We never did. So we are all excited cause he's on spring break and so we're gonna hang out tonight and have a movie night. We're gonna watch HP4 and some movie he likes that comes out today about a creepy fish looking walking castle. It's anime. I don't know. I'm still learning the whole anime scene. But it's his thing.

This feels weird. I'm covering the front desk at the station this morning. I don't know it just feels weird. Oops! Phone's ringing... hang on... nope... under writing got it.... never you mind.

OH! Bambi! Yeah! So I was driving into work an hour earlier than I usually do. Almost to Rockford High School on Northland Drive like 50 deer ran across the road. Ok so it was like 10 but it would have been a hunter's dream if it was deer season. But then some 18 year old looking dork sped past myself and the car next to me that slowed down and were warning the people behind us with out breaks.

Yeah... that's all for now. But I can not promise there will not be more later. muwahhahaha -k- bye.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Pride & Prejudice

Every so often I get in these moods. Like I’m not “complete.” I get so focused on what God wants in one part of my life that I end up ignoring what he wants in other parts of my life. As much as I try to listen to that… I just never seem to grasp it. So then I end up literally locking myself away praying that maybe shutting myself out from as much ‘distractions’ as possible… then maybe just maybe it’ll become more clear. It never does. If anything it gets more complicated. It usually ends up being one certain part of my future that I get so mixed up on. But it doesn’t help when I have mom freaking out or breathing down my neck about making up my mind.

It’s just not that easy!

I just prefer to be alone at times like this. Is that so much to ask for? Aparently for my mom it is. And I’m not kidding. She literally JUST came in my room as I finished that sentence. It’s time to start looking for roommates again.

Last night my back started to bother me and Lee took notice. He said that he could tell exactly where it hurt me cause one side of my back was hard as a rock and the other wasn’t. Only thing about that is that the left half of my lower back always sticks where as my right lower back doesn’t. But it occurred to me that when only a part of my back hurts it’s generally my lower left back. Interesting.

And then I started thinking… My back didn’t bother me hardly at all when I was at school. Hmm… maybe it’s mom. I wonder cause last night I told her I’m taking it easy today cause of the pain I was earlier in the evening. She was totally fine with it. She lied. This morning she started getting mad at me cause I wanted to relax and watch a movie or read a book when she wanted to clean.

Yep she threw a fit like a 4 year old who was told they can’t have candy.

So I cleaned and within 10 minutes… My back started hurting. She doesn’t have any idea cause she was in the other room. But I did it to shut her up. I told her that she’d be like “we’re only gonna run the sweeper and dust. And then once that’s done she’s want to clean something else.” She got mad at me for that too and said she would not say anything of the sort. Well post dusting & running of the sweeper… she wanted to clean more!


And since every time I’ve tried to give myself 5 minutes of “Stacey time” to be alone to sort out my life, have time with God, and rest my back… she’s coming in my room saying “are you gonna do this?” or “I wanna do this today.” Which of course means I want you to do this or I’m gonna lay a guilt trip on you till you do” & “I’m going to make sure I’m the center of your attention all day and you’re not going to like it.”

UGH! I can’t take it anymore! I’m never going to get to rest and figure out what God wants as long as I’m living here. Anyone looking for a roommate?

Friday, March 03, 2006

An eventful day...

So ok yesterday was quite an interesting day. I went into work a few hours later than I'm used to. So I went inside to deliver the UPS packages that usually come to my office when WHAM! I fell. Yep I fell. My foot slipped out from underneath me and I bruised my tail bone. Not to mention my butt was wet. Luckily I had black pants on so it wasn't so noticeable. Faith and Ruth heard it. Luckily no one saw it... At least that I know of.

So then the job shadow I've been so geeked about came in and we had a blast and a half. It was a good experience for both of us. Her name is Megan and much to my surprise we had more in common than I was prepared for. Turns out one of my good friends, Andy is the lead singer of one her favorite bands, The Emberlight. She nearly started freaking out. It was just adorable beyond words. THEN she spent 2 hours on The Emberlight's website. What she was looking at for two hours I'm still trying to figure out! hahahaha

But then later on that night I went on the air for the first time ever... Live! As you know it's been WaYfm's Sharathon week and I was scheduled to be a reporter from phone central 6 -7 pm. I was so nervous and I think everyone there knew it. But God loves me and the hosts during that time were Joe & Andy (story about Andy at a later time) who I know better than some other people at the station so I could interact with them a lot easier. In fact one of the first things Joe said when it was my turn to talk was along the lines of "And a very nervous Stacey is in phone central..."

Thanks Joe! As I told him last night. It helped me get past that first break a lot easier because it got me talking and not so focused on what I needed to say.

So yeah it was an overall good night when you take out the bruised tail bone, wet butt and my smashing my left knee into my bed frame.

- Stacey -

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Busy Little Bug

So of course the day I get back from the family stuff happens to be like one of the bussiest days for me... well ok it's no Christmas rush... but yeah... So tomorrow the WaYfm Sharathon '06 comes to GR. I'm getting more and more nervous as it approaches. I'm supposed to be board opping 6 - 7 pm tomorrow and reporting from phone central 7 - 8 pm (tomorrow) & 7 - 8 am on Friday.

I'm SUPER nervous. I mean I've been on air... OBVIOUSLY... but never live. I hope I don't make the station look bad.

So yeah I've been running around here like a crazy person (yes I know I am one) and I think I've nearly run over just about everyone here. So all you people are over in Kzoo today are super lucky. But I've gotten a lot done. So that's nice. Unfortunatly there's still a lot to be done though. I think Mike is getting sick of my calling the Kzoo studio to ask him something. But hey I need to get answers right?

But hey on a off the wall side note... today was the first time I've ever tried a Mardi Gras King Cake! Lee got one for all of us to try and have a bit of fun with. It's not a cake at all... It's a big cinnamon roll shaped like a long - thin donut. hahaha I didn't get the plastic baby. But oh well. Another time.

OH! and a fun little update on what's been going on with my and my walk with God...

My mom and I are teaming up to do our part with volenteering for what we can and over the weekend we took it upon ourselves to team up and try to help raise money for homeless. We attended a benefit called the "Walk for Warmth" where we were given a senario and then had tasks to do. We had to go to a bunch of little "stations" and either get or give money (it was all play money - but still it was fun). I had never even heard about it until that day. But we had a lot of fun... and froze. But still... So yeah... Thanks to my friend, Andy who was also there. We both thought we wouldn't know anyone. So it was nice to be wrong. :)

Smile. You're beautiful. God loves you!
- Stacey -