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Friday, March 17, 2006

St Pats & Drama, Drama, Drama...

well cause everyone is gonna say it anyway... HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! I love being Irish!

moving on...

ok well Natalie came over last Wednesday night. We had a blast just listening to music & watching my 2003 See Spot Rock DVD. We haven't watched that in a while. Not to mention since we watched it last she's developed quite the crush on John Reuben. She's so funny. But yeah. We set up a myspace for her and she was having a blast and a half doing that. She's an addict now. hahaha

Last night was Father Daughter Banquet Night 1 of 2. It was a super busy day. I had to check in radios that morning. Then I had to go pick up the boutonnieres for the WCSG guys. Then I had to wash the WCSG vehicle inside & out. THEN I had to go pick up our 'entertainment', Scott Krippayne. Who by the way is super nice. :)

So then when we (Scott & I) got to the banquet I helped Lee set up Scott's merch table. Then checked all the tables for pens & a center piece. Then Hannah asked me to take pictures of the banquet. THEN I went back to help Lee sell Scott's merch. Then there was the merch tear down and then I took Scott back to his hotel and went home.... AND CRASHED!

I just feel bad for Patty & Hannah. Those poor people haven't had sleep in I think it's safe to say weeks. Not to mention Tommy & Brooke. They do the WCSG morning show. So they were up early to do that then had stuff all day long to do and then had to MC the show. But they looked handled it well. It could be worse for me... I could have had any one of those 4 peoples day... Yeah I can't really complain.

Well. I'm awake. It's St. Pat's Day (I LOVE BEING IRISH!) and it's time to get my day started so I can go in early to fight my way into a production studio to voice track my shows before I have to leave to pick up Scott for Father Daughter Banquet Night 2. :)


- Stacey -


Anonymous said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day indeed ^___^

- And it does sound like you are quite busy . . . good luck with that. I shall sit around and do homework ^^'