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Saturday, March 18, 2006

Talk about INSANE!

Ok honestly! Why do guys feel the need to make girls wait? Be it waiting for a guy to pick a girl up for a date... the guy to grow up... or for the guy to just finally admit that he likes her even though everyone around him has known it for a while!

Yes all of the above are true! I can think of 3 girls & 4 guys off the top of my head as I write this. This is just crazy. I know girls play games and girls can take a while to get ready for things and the list goes on. But when a guy says he's on his way to pick you up, he lives 3 minutes away and 2 1/2 hours later he pulls up... THAT'S JUST INSANE!!!

The guy that takes forever to grow up usually makes every thing out to be "her" fault. That in itself is stupid. YOU SCREWED UP OWN UP TO IT!

As for that other "I like her... no I don't"... Just admit it already! You're driving us all crazy!

The girls know who they are so I'm not about to name names and point fingers at them cause it's not their fault this happens. And ok so know these guys aren't gonna be like "oh hey! I think I'm gonna read Stacey's blog today. (or ever)" and then on top of it realize I mean them. So I'm holding out hope. But come on! I think all of us girls know guys like this... I think the guys reading this can admit that they even know guys like this.

So honestly? What's the point?

Ok done ranting now.

- Stacey -


Anonymous said...

Hmmm . . . I can't really think of anyone off the top of my head, maybe one, but I am not sure that he would fit in.

And I think the fact that you are a girl makes you notice more guys that do stuff like this, because I could list more girls than I could guys ;P