Wedding Countdown Ticker

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

tears of a bride...

listening to: myself typing...

I finally broke down. The stress of planning a wedding primarily alone has finally taken it's toll on me. I cried. hard. a lot. over the past few days. I think what finally gave me that shove over the edge of the cliff was that after a day out with my friend, Micki. I tried on my dress. I had bought an "accessory" for it and wanted to see how it looked. But when I put it on it wouldn't zip up.

every bride's worst nightmare... ok one of the largest... is that her dress won't fit. I took the dress off feeling defeated and hung it back up. then went back into the living room only to be confronted with a V8 commercial where a bride simply drinks a V8 and miraculously her dress zips up all the way. I fell over into a puddle. it wasn't pretty. I couldn't even think about it without crying for a few days. My poor sisters, mom & Nick had to deal with my sobbing for the majority of the time.

Now i will admit it wasn't extremely bad. but i need to loose 5 - 10 lbs in order for it to fit again. I've been wanting to start eating right and working out again. this actually was a blessing in disguise. not the kind i would wish on any bride but a blessing nonetheless. I've been a lot more active and actually trying to eat better instead of just saying i'm going to.

i only hope it works. i'm walking down that isle december 18th. with or without that dress. i just prefer with the dress. that's a major part of what every girl dreams about is the dress. i don't want to miss that of mine.

- Stacey Ree -

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


listening to: "Touch A New Day" by: Lena Meyer-Landrut
has it really been so long since my last post? wow! sorry. :/

I'm so excited and terrified at the same time that in just over 3 months I will be Mrs. Nick West!!!!

We went and got our engagement pics taken and got them back. they turned out AMAZING!!! Also my mom, sisters & Leslie did a great job on my shower... even with my meltdown the night before. I still feel bad over that... and I can't thank them enough!

Our big thing to knock out now is our rehearsal dinner. BUT I think now I should start knocking out 5 things at once. I need to focus on the music, decor & flowers too!

I'm about to dive in head first... and... go...
- Stacey Ree -

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

dates and updates...

listening to: *has to stop and try to hear what's playing in the other room on the air* "In The Blink Of An Eye" by: MercyMe
well good news is I've calmed down. I'm not freaking out like I was in the last post... ok not as much. :)

Nick and I pick out the minister, William Guice. he's cool. I was nervous going to meet him the first time. Nick picked him out. I picked out the pastor at our church but he's kinda hard to get a hold of. Nick once again made a good choice though. I'm glad we went with William. He's also doing our premarital counseling which was supposed to start last week but life happened and it ended up being more of a lunch "get together" than a counseling session. But I'm not complaining. It was a good chance to meet his wife who will be sitting in on a few sessions in the future. :)

my sisters, mom & leslie are diligently working on the bridal shower which I'm really excited about. I can't wait to go back and see everyone. Especially my nieces!!! those girls need aunt stacey hugs i know it!!!!! :D not to mention it's gonna be really good to see leslie before she leaves for the first country ( I know it's really selfish of me... but i don't want her to go. i want her at my wedding standing at my side. :( but it's not like it doesn't kill her that she can't be there. so that makes me feel better... which is selfish too in all honesty.

Anyway... now that we got the minister checked off the list i've been working on our registries again. trying to get them down to the final cut. We're registered at Bed Bath & Beyond and Target and our house is not going to have a certain decor... just colors.. we're decorating in Blue, Green and Brown... any shade... just not pastels if possible... more on the darker side... only not Navy... ok so maybe it's a little more specific that i thought. HAHAHA

well I better get ready to go. my shift is almost over. i'm so glad tomorrow will be back to live shows. wally has been gone the past 2 days so i had to do "best of" shows.
- Stacey Ree -

OH! and as long as i'm posting links... in case you missed it or i didn't post it check out our ceremony photographer Shannon Hairr & engagement photographer Amanda Donaho

Thursday, June 24, 2010

bridezilla? me?

Ok so I here's the long and the short of it.... I'm officially in panic mode.

I realized the other day the in less than 6 months I will be a wife. And i'm nowhere near ready! This wedding is going to be a disaster and I really don't want that to happen :'( I don't mean disaster like nick and I aren't meant to be married... More like. I have hardly anything planned! How am I going to plan an entire wedding in less than 6 months?????????

I need a miracle! :'(

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Plans are a go!

listening to: "Broken" by: Lifehouse (and no not on purpose . i'm at work)
ok so yes you read right. I'm at work right now. I'll admit the past 2 months (as of yesterday) haven't been TOO bad. I had company off and on mostly from Nick and my good friends, Jame & Cathy. But I'm excited to be back to work. I'm working at the Way-fm Network now here in Nashville. I've only been here 3 1/2 hours so far... still got 12 1/2 hours to go. lol Yep. My first day back in radio and I'm taking on 16 hours today alone. Luckily I just have to sit here and make sure everything works. lol

ANYWAY... the wedding...

I flew up to Michigan for a fun visit with some of my favorite people. Leslie & Mandy both came to visit me which I LOVED! And the rest of the time was mostly spent on wedding plans with mom, my sisters and my nieces. :)

my dress... check
jen's dress... check
anisa's dress... check
kendra's.... well... EVERYTHING... no surprise here... check
joslynn's dress & basket... check
mom's dress... check
cake... check and might I say Nick and I did a really great job with ideas and flavors!! our cake decorator designed a BEAUTIFUL cake that is gonna fit in with the wedding perfectly!! :D

We're working on centerpieces, flowers, unity candle/sand and the other dresses right now. We have an idea for Emmalee's though so that helps. PLUS Nick and I have an appointment for our catering testing now that I can eat. lol and we're talking to our preferred photographer about a day, time and such about our engagement session. I'm pretty geeked about that to be honest! I don't usually like to be IN the pictures but Amanda is PHENOMENAL!!! ok well it's about time to check transmitters. so I'm gonna rocket.

till more is planned...
- Stacey Ree -

ps... don't ask what i want for my birthday PLEASE! I have people asking and not accepting "nothing" cause I have no ideas cause I really don't want anything!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

oh just you wait!! it gets better!

watching: Well I'm not watching it. I'm typing this. But Nick is watching Jimmy Kimmel...

So update time! Nick and I are looking at cakes. Made an appointment for a tasting and everything. Now once these bars come off of my jaw we can go to it and then finish our catering menu too.

My friend, Cathy and I have been avidly looking for the flowers my bouquet. It's not going well. It's better than it was when I was going at it alone. But I pick this flower and we pair it with that one and then I switch the colors so I want this one in red and that one in white instead of the other way around and then I want a different flower totally.

confused yet? Me too! :)

Oh well no one ever said being a bride was an easy thing. hahaha
- Stacey Ree -

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

food i can't eat. fail.

listening to: "Puzzle Of My Heart" by: Westlife


So as you probably know by now I was in a car accident in mid February. Luckily it wasn't as bad as it could've been. I fractured my right knee cap in 3 places (we found that out today.. well not the fractured part... just how many places). I didn't know that was possible. But I'm good at learning stuff like that. lol I also fractured the left side of my jaw. The friday after the accident I had to have my jaw wired shut which most people think stops me from talking. WRONG. God gave me a gift and I will use it. I mean I get paid to talk and everything. lol I can't talk MUCH though. It hurts if I talk too much so i try not to. Doesn't always work though. Oops!

With that said. Nick and I have picked a caterer. In fact he went to go do a tasting with them which I had to pretty much push him into. I didn't wanna make anyone attending our wedding eat something that we don't even like. How fair is that? So he asked me if I would be mad and I finally made him realize I really wanted him to. But it didn't happen. He went but he and the caterer (Two Fat Men Catering decided to hold off on the tasting until I'm better and can actually eat something instead of just drinking.

I can't WAIT to eat a baked potato! Tony's (my favorite restaurant in the world) fried mushrooms, Jonathan's bbq chicken pizza & nick's hamburgers are pretty high on that list too. I've just been craving a baked potato for a long time. Poor Nick has had to deal with literal tears over it. lol

ok now i'm hungry again. sigh.
-Stacey Ree-

Thursday, February 04, 2010


listening to: Running Man by: Hanson

just a quick note to say that I'm researching caterers and it's making me really hungry!!!!

- Stacey Ree -

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Ghosts & Weddings...

listening to: "Pray" by: Dierks Bentley

Ok so his blog is a wedding update but more so as a revelation of sorts.... read on and you may understand.

Last night I spoke with an old friend i haven't spoken to in years. Sadly the way the friendship ended wasn't entirely on the best of terms. So after years of regret on both sides, we cleared the air. :) his obviously makes me extremely happy since i was convinced they wouldn't be happy that i was sorry for being such a brat. we all know how much i can act like one! lol but all in all after i got over the initial shock of it all i feel today is gonna be a good day. :D

on that note...

Nick and i have officially found a wedding venue. It's a 100 year old wool mill here in Tennessee. I went to look at it only to humor Nick and was of course cranky the whole time... until we looked at it. :) It got even better once i heard the price and found out what we go for it. Then i was a VERY happy Stacey. We looked at one more place the next day and that very next morning Nick went and put a deposit on it. So it's officially ours December 18, 2010! :D

Our wedding party has also been entirely picked now... mine is still the same but the guys have all been asked and accepted so i can now say that Nick will "not have a best man" just 4 groomsmen to share the best man duties. He chose..

Anthony Morgan - Nick's friend
Jeff Culmer - Nick's friend
Luke Masiarak - Nick's brother-in-law
Brian Jenkins - Nick's friend

so this ought to be interesting... if you knew them you'd understand why i say that. lol

I think that's about it for now. Till next time....
-Stacey Ree-

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

At A Wedding Stand Still *sigh*

Watching: Rachel Ray

So went to the bridal expo here in town the other afternoon with my friend Cathy. I have to say I thought the vendors were gonna be a lot more pushy that most of them were. Not to mention i thought it was going to be a lot bigger and a lot more packed than it was. But we decided to go a little later so that we the "bridezillas" that had to be there when the doors opened would hopefully be gone. I'm pretty sure it was a smart idea cause there weren't many that I saw.

Well one good thing that came out of all of the mounds of cake we ate is that it looks like Nick and I won a short honeymoon! It's not where Nick was eyeing but hey free is always good. But we have to do like an hour of eating kinda thing tonight so we'll see if it's real or not.

We've looked at a few places for the wedding/reception but nothing so far is like "WE HAVE TO HAVE IT HERE!" so we're gonna go look at another place hopefully tomorrow and maybe get settled on one soon. So needless to say that we can't really plan a whole lot more right now since we don't have a venue. oh well. one thing at a time.

Well on a good note I'm gonna be an aunt... kinda.. Anisa & Chrystal are both having a baby as you already... BUT I'm finally getting a Nephew! Chrystal is having a little boy! I'm so excited! I've got the niece scene down. Not that i wouldn't mind another one. I'm a pro at it now. But I wanna be able to spoil at least one boy since I spoil the girls whenever i can. lol

ok time to get ready for work. :D
-Stacey Ree-

ps... "jerk".... who are you?????????

Tuesday, January 05, 2010


watching: dirty jobs... kinda... it's on tv but not paying attention...

So it's official! Last night Nick and I finally settled on a date!

As of December 18, 2010 I will be a married woman!!!!

So we got almost an entire year to go but planning this thing will make it fly... hopefully.

Also a few things have changed... Leslie sadly will not be my maid of honor... She will be on a 11 month long mission in 11 different countries. Please pray for her and once I get the link I will post it here to hopefully help her get her funding under control.

So needless to say I had to ask someone else to be my maid of honor and my eldest sister has graciously accepted the offer. :) I have to admit I was a little nervous that my other sister, Anisa would've been hurt. But she was pretty geeked which just made me realize it was a smart move.

We've gotten a check list book and such to get the planning underway and have already started filling it with some great ideas both by myself AND Nick. I love how he WANTS to help plan the big day! Not to mention he's got AMAZING ideas! I'm one VERY blessed/lucky girl!!!!!

Right now we're checking out photographers and trying to see if we can get the church we like for that day. And we're trying to get the exact shades of colors we like. We're pretty sure we want to get married here in Nashvegas. But we have to keep in mind that both my sister, Anisa and Nick's sister, Chrystal, who are both expecting will be having a small baby each to watch over. That's an added bonus of marrying Nick... I get a new baby niece or nephew as well. :D

It's all about baby steps (tee hee) I guess. :)
- Stacey Ree -