Wedding Countdown Ticker

Monday, February 27, 2006


Maybe I'm being a baby but the fact that Shane is backing out of going to my grandma's funeral is really disappointing me. I understand that he doesn't like funerals since the last one he went to was his mom's and he buried BOTH parents before he turned 24. That and he doesn't know anyone in my family.

It just disappoints me because he didn't want to go to the hospital with me. Then he didn't want to go to visitation... But he would go to the funeral. So at first I got mad over that but then thought at least he was willing to go to something. The effort was there and I knew it would be hard for him.

But last night he backed out on the funeral because he "needs to get his car fixed" HE'S USING MINE RIGHT NOW! Why? Because I didn't want him to feel like he had to ask for a ride or walk to work. Michigan is cold! So he "has to work out the car situation" and he doesn't know anyone. In a nut shell he just plain and simple doesn't want to go. I'm hurt.

I don't know his family that well... In fact I didn't know his family at all but I was willing to come home from Ohio (even if that meant walking cause I didn't have my car with me at the time) to go to his mom's funeral cause he was my best friend.

Yeah I know there's a difference between a mom and a step-grandma that you weren't extremely close to. But like Natalie and I both agree I could be just SAYING that I'm ok and inside be a mess.

Not to mention Shane was around during the whole fiasco with my last boyfriend who only some of my family met and the rest joke about him not existing because he always tried to get out of meeting them... AND DID!

Shane knows how much that killed me every time I had to make and excuse as to why Jerry wasn't there... He wanted to hit him every time it happened... So why does he insist on doing the exact same thing?

And no this is not the first time this has happened. He's "not wanted to go" to birthday dinners and other family get together things... And I went to like ALL of his that I could.

UGH! I need to shut up now before I start crying again!

- Me -

Thursday, February 23, 2006

I got tagged...

Thanks to Ryan I have to fill this out... This ought to be interesting since I don't have a very exciting life. I basically come to work, do my thing, go home, and burry myself in a book or work while playing music. hahaha I have no life outside of work... ok here goes...

Four jobs I’ve had:

  • Cornerstone (His Kids Radio): Ministry Service Representative
  • Cornerstone (WaYfm): Weekend On Air Talent
  • Cornerstone (WaYfm): Program Director Assitant (Intern)
  • Meijer: Media & Stationary Sales Associate - started to help out in photolab also since the departments merged but then I quit:)

Four movies I can watch over and over:

  • Bend It Like Beckham
  • Pride & Prejudice (The BBC version)
  • Gidget
  • Move Over Darling

Four tv shows I love/like to watch:

  • Beautiful People
  • Wildfire
  • I love the 90's
  • That 70's show (I only watch like an hour of tv a week so this is when I do watch something it's usually one of these)

Four places I’ve been on vacation:

  • Mackinac City
  • Myrtle Beach
  • Orlando
  • Columbus

Four favorite dishes:

  • Chicken - just about anything involving chicken
  • Gramma Jo's orange juice dessert - it maybe a dessert but it's still a favorite
  • Mashed potatoes - Gramma Jo makes the best mashed potatoes!
  • Aunt Kathy's Knots - If you had them you'd count them too hahahaha

Four websites I visit daily:


Four places I’d rather be:

  • England
  • Ireland
  • Tennessee
  • Anywhere that isn't Michigan :)

my dream...

ok so I just woke up from a reall weird dream... I went to chuch but it was all bckwards... I mean that littereally... sort off... all the guys dressed up as girls and vise versa. Like my chilhood friend / first crush, Joe dressed up like my Gramma Jo.

My dad was there... my dad is Catholic... I'm not. So that was odd. But he had 2 of his brothers with him too... my uncle Joe & My Uncle Jim.

Ther service was all about how our preacher was yet again trying to get the congragation to concent to build a new church and at a new localtion. We don't want one! But that both are true in real life.

So weird... hmm....

Oh and as I promised.... here are some pictures taken last night of the new glasses. I should have them at work today since I have to wear them when I drive.

-k- off to get ready for work...

- Stacey-

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Penny & Me

Great news! I just got a call from my optometrist! I am FINALLY gonna be able to pick up my glasses on the way home tonight. So I'll make sure to post pictures of the REAL glasses in the next few days.

Oh man was it just me or was today just absolutely BEAUTIFUL!? I love spring. I was running back and forth between my office and the WCSG building without my jacket and never once got cold. It's sad how cold you can get in such a short amount of time.

Well I'm in such a good mood! I slept like i usually do last night. So that makes me feel SO much better! Plus I can finally see again when I get home. I think I'll probably end up blaring my radio while I sing and dance the ENTIRE way home. Playing a few certain songs of course... Mainly "Penny & Me" and then "Lost Without Each Other" over and over and over... :D

The only thing that could make the ride home better is if Starfield's new cd "Beauty In The Broken" was out NOW... since the FIRST street date was in December... then it was February... Then it was March... Now it's May... It's depressing! :(


alright I'm gonna turn down my cd cause I think I may be making Dave crazy. hahahahaha

- Stacey -

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Grandma Mills

Well there's an update... as some of you already have heard. I talked to my dad and he informed me that sometime yesterday Grandma was moved to the nursing home because she was refusing any treatments. He also stated that he didn't know what was keeping her alive in which I responded "Sheer determination." Which he agreed to.

On a side note... this 'glasses' issue is making me crazy. I'm assuming they'll be in like Thursday or Friday since they said it'd be a week and a half.... Oh and I was mistaken... I had the eye appointment on Tuesday cause it was Valentines day. I wish they were already in. I JUST WANT TO SEE AGAIN!

- Stacey -

Saturday, February 18, 2006

my grandma

last night my sister, Jennifer called and asked if I wanted to go to Alma to basically go say 'goodbye' to grandma before she died. Well ok she asked if I wanted to go to Alma to see her but I knew what she meant. Anyway... I agreed.

So Jennifer and Jerry (my brother-in-law) & I went to Gratiot County Hospital (the hospital where I was born) to find my dad waiting in the lobby. He's got a really bad cold the he said he hasn't been able to shake for a while now but looked like he was gonna cry.

My stepmom, Linda, 2 of her sisters & 1 one of her brother-in-laws were in the waiting room up Grandma's floor. I had never met one of her sisters so that was nice. But anyway... we got there pretty late but the hospital wasn't enforcing the normal visitng hours for her since she was so bad.

So Dad, Linda, Jerry, Jennifer & I went down to her room and Linda and the doctor said we shouldn't go in if we had any open wounds. Linda had to wear a face mask... thingie... cause she has a pretty bad cold too. Turns out my Grandma isn't dying cause she's old... well that may be a factor.... but it's because she has breast cancer in both of her breasts. She didn't know she had it and then when she found out she hid it from everyone.

Ok there's being stubborn and there's just plain crazy.

Anyway... it was a great lesson in what cancer can do if it's not properly taken care of. I'll spare you the gorry (& extremely painful) details. Just know that without a doubt she will die soon and unfortunatly in a lot of pain. :(

Thank you everyone for your prayers. I'm afraid the only prayers left to say are that God lets her pass soon so the pain is lessend and that the family learns from this and heals quickly from the void of her not being around. We all are beleivers. So we know it's better for her to pass and be with God than it is to try and believe this will go away.

- Stacey -

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The new me...

Ok so it's no big secret... I need glasses... Don't they look hot??
Nah I'm just kidding... but in all honest yes I need glasses. I went.... ummm... umm.... what day was that.... maybe I need a new brain... MONDAY! That's what day it was. Ok so I went monday to get my eyes checked so I could get my perscription and order my glasses. I picked out a pair that are TOTALLY me... you'll have to wait until I get them to see if they look anything like this...


on a side note... please keep my family and a friend/co-worker of mine's family in your prayers. John (my friend) is waiting on some news (last time I knew - he may have it by now) that may effect the rest of his life.

I just got a call from my sister not too long ago... maybe an hour now. Anyway... she got a call from our dad to pass on the news that my sisters & I might be getting another phone call in the next few days that my Grandma Mills has died. We've known for a for a few years it was coming... she's been steadly getting worse for a while now. She was taken to the hospital this morning (if I heard right... it may have been last night) and they think she only has a few days left. My dad says he has a cold... which is entirely possible... but Jennifer (my eldest sister who dad called) said he sounded like he was taking it pretty hard.

My dad has lost both of his parents. Grandpa Goodman died back in 1988 i think... I'm pretty sure I was 6 at the time... of lung cancer. Right Aunt Cheryl? Then Grandma Goodman died when I was a freshman in High School. That was one that took us all by surprise. But that's another story.

ANYWAY... now when my Grandma Mills passes Linda (my stepmom) will be without both of her parents. I never met my Grandpa Mills. He died long before I had the chance.

So the only granparents I will have left are my mom's - I don't think Grandpa Mitchell & Gramma Jo (yes I know I spelled Grandma oddly... it's a family thing) aren't going any time soon. But you never know right?

So anyway... If you don't hear anything from me for a few days or I'm suddenly missing from work... that's why.

I'll keep you updated when I find out more about both Grandma Mills & John.

May God lead you on the paths He has paved for you
- Stacey -

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Job shadow

I'm all geeked. I just got an e-mail from the mother of an 8th grade girl in the GR area and she (the the 8th grader) wants to Job Shadow me... Not Mike... Not Joe... Not Rich & Rick... ME! I feel like a celebrity! hahahahahaha

Makes me laugh... I mean I'm a nobody. It's not like I'm a famous actor. I talk on the radio.... on the weekend... when normal people are sleeping. hahahahaha

- Stacey -

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Ohio, A boyfriend, & Bambi! Oh my!

Hey bloggers. As most of you already are aware I made a trip down to central Ohio this weekend for the wedding of the night show host at WaY, Joe & his... now wife, Liz. I'm happy to report it was a beautiful wedding. Very well done. :)

However, it was quite the eventful weekend. I made the 6 1/2 hour trip along with my good friend, Micki (pictured below). Micki drove down to a Ohio... and yes I know I said 6 1/2 hour trip... she got us lost 3 times. hahahaha Not only did she get us lost but we almost died 3 times... ok well twice... the third time the kid almost died. He decided he wanted to run across the street in the middle of the night with dark clothes on right in front of us. Then Bambi and his mom ran out in front of us. Oh and can't forget that some lady stopped to turn onto the street from a parking lot with litterally only the back half of her car in the parking lot right as we were passing going down the road.

All in all it was a good time and Micki & I were glad we went... even though we didn't know anyone but Liz & Joe. OH and before I forget... Micki & stumbled across a statue of a pineapple (the picture didn't turn out) & a coffee shop with the best name ever... Jitters. How perfect of a name for a coffee shop is that??? hahahaha

But hey on a good note... when I got home Shane & I decided we were better off together than apart. I don't know why I ever held out hope for Jon... it was a crush... I was a dork. What can I say. So Shane and I are together again... as for our... umm... differences... we're working on meeting each other half way. I just hope it works this time.

Until next time... keep your stick on the ice (Red Green - if you have no idea... it's a tv show and REALLY funny)

- Stacey -

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

For Corey

if anyone reads my blog comments you may notice a number of "annoymous" comments without someone signing it. Yep. That's my best friend, Corey. Yes "the one that draws good" as most people put it.

So for my "busy" friend, Corey... I am updating. Let's see what's been happening in Staceyland...


I have become obsessed with the Free Beer & Hot Wings morning show... Thanks Hannah! hahahahaha I can't wait to see the "Rick Flare Hair" video! This one is gonna be classic!

Oh and I just found out I will be on air (not as a host) March 2 & 3 for like an hour reporting from phone central during the WaYfm 2006 Sharathon. So be sure to tune in and donate!

Other than that... life is pretty much the same... That a good post Mr. Miller? ;) hahahahha

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Sun Rises On Another Day

With every cloud there is a silver lining.

This is true on so many levels. I’ve experienced it more times that probably have been more than my share….

Why do I say this? Well mainly because I got good news from about 8 different directions today.

A friend of mine, Allen, just got married. I’m so excited he found someone who will love him whole heartedly. He has such a large heart. I don’t think the guy has ever not liked a single person he’s ever met.

Then my sister, Anisa heard from one of her childhood friends, Tara. Tara is pregnant. She and her husband have been trying to have a child for over a year now. They apparently have tried everything… literally. Now not only are they going to have a child… there is a very good chance they might be having twins!

So then my day was basically complete when I was informed that my departure from CU Radio is not going to entirely happen.  I will be leaving His Kids Radio. But I will stay on at WaYfm to record my normal Saturday morning show… along with taking on an extra shift of Sunday morning as well.

And to make that news even better… this will be the first time in WaYfm history that there will be a DJ on air at all times.

OH! And… I finished my demos finally… I’m really proud of my Production demo. I really like how it turned out… not that you probably care… but I do :D