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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

For Corey

if anyone reads my blog comments you may notice a number of "annoymous" comments without someone signing it. Yep. That's my best friend, Corey. Yes "the one that draws good" as most people put it.

So for my "busy" friend, Corey... I am updating. Let's see what's been happening in Staceyland...


I have become obsessed with the Free Beer & Hot Wings morning show... Thanks Hannah! hahahahaha I can't wait to see the "Rick Flare Hair" video! This one is gonna be classic!

Oh and I just found out I will be on air (not as a host) March 2 & 3 for like an hour reporting from phone central during the WaYfm 2006 Sharathon. So be sure to tune in and donate!

Other than that... life is pretty much the same... That a good post Mr. Miller? ;) hahahahha


Anonymous said...

Indeed, I enjoyed this mostly because you like the Free Beer & Hot Wings Morning Show ^^

I listen to it every day on the way to school, and the Rick Flare Hair video was indeed TOTALLY classic XDD!!

I went to another lecture at the UICA tonight, although I didn't drive this time, I took the transit and then walked pretty far to get there. A bit more work, but no wrecked cars that way . . . Other then that, I am doing lots and lots of work for school in hopes of getting into the illustration and or graphic design dept. ^^

That's right, this is now like a Stacey/Corey Blog =P

Stacey Ree said...

Stacey/Corey blog... I guess.. I might as well give you my login & password so you can just post your own since that "comment" was a post in itself. hahahahahahahahaha

Wait a minute... you listen to Free Beer & Hot Wings???? Ok I know it hasn't been that long since we hung out... cause last time I knew I got the "I don't listen to radio" talk hahhahahaha

- Stacey -

Anonymous said...

hehe ^___^ You should indeed

And I don't listen to music on the radio, I guess is more specific. But ever since I have gone to College I have pretty much always listened to Free Beer & Hot Wings on the way there in the morning.