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Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Sun Rises On Another Day

With every cloud there is a silver lining.

This is true on so many levels. I’ve experienced it more times that probably have been more than my share….

Why do I say this? Well mainly because I got good news from about 8 different directions today.

A friend of mine, Allen, just got married. I’m so excited he found someone who will love him whole heartedly. He has such a large heart. I don’t think the guy has ever not liked a single person he’s ever met.

Then my sister, Anisa heard from one of her childhood friends, Tara. Tara is pregnant. She and her husband have been trying to have a child for over a year now. They apparently have tried everything… literally. Now not only are they going to have a child… there is a very good chance they might be having twins!

So then my day was basically complete when I was informed that my departure from CU Radio is not going to entirely happen.  I will be leaving His Kids Radio. But I will stay on at WaYfm to record my normal Saturday morning show… along with taking on an extra shift of Sunday morning as well.

And to make that news even better… this will be the first time in WaYfm history that there will be a DJ on air at all times.

OH! And… I finished my demos finally… I’m really proud of my Production demo. I really like how it turned out… not that you probably care… but I do :D


Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that things went well for you today Stace . . .

On the other hand, today was not such a good day for me . . .

Anonymous said...

Hey Stace . . . I haven't heard from you in awhile now. How are things going?

I would much appreciate it if you keep putting entries in your blog, it's the only way that I can really keep up with what's going on when I am so busy
