Wedding Countdown Ticker

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Ohio, A boyfriend, & Bambi! Oh my!

Hey bloggers. As most of you already are aware I made a trip down to central Ohio this weekend for the wedding of the night show host at WaY, Joe & his... now wife, Liz. I'm happy to report it was a beautiful wedding. Very well done. :)

However, it was quite the eventful weekend. I made the 6 1/2 hour trip along with my good friend, Micki (pictured below). Micki drove down to a Ohio... and yes I know I said 6 1/2 hour trip... she got us lost 3 times. hahahaha Not only did she get us lost but we almost died 3 times... ok well twice... the third time the kid almost died. He decided he wanted to run across the street in the middle of the night with dark clothes on right in front of us. Then Bambi and his mom ran out in front of us. Oh and can't forget that some lady stopped to turn onto the street from a parking lot with litterally only the back half of her car in the parking lot right as we were passing going down the road.

All in all it was a good time and Micki & I were glad we went... even though we didn't know anyone but Liz & Joe. OH and before I forget... Micki & stumbled across a statue of a pineapple (the picture didn't turn out) & a coffee shop with the best name ever... Jitters. How perfect of a name for a coffee shop is that??? hahahaha

But hey on a good note... when I got home Shane & I decided we were better off together than apart. I don't know why I ever held out hope for Jon... it was a crush... I was a dork. What can I say. So Shane and I are together again... as for our... umm... differences... we're working on meeting each other half way. I just hope it works this time.

Until next time... keep your stick on the ice (Red Green - if you have no idea... it's a tv show and REALLY funny)

- Stacey -


Anonymous said...

Joe . . . yes I remember him ^^

And tis a good thing that you didn't die in your several incidents that happened along your trip. Hehe ... Jitters is also a very clever name for a coffee shop.

I wish you the best of luck with Shane, hopefully things shall work out.

*goes back to working on color and design homework*