Wedding Countdown Ticker

Thursday, February 23, 2006

I got tagged...

Thanks to Ryan I have to fill this out... This ought to be interesting since I don't have a very exciting life. I basically come to work, do my thing, go home, and burry myself in a book or work while playing music. hahaha I have no life outside of work... ok here goes...

Four jobs I’ve had:

  • Cornerstone (His Kids Radio): Ministry Service Representative
  • Cornerstone (WaYfm): Weekend On Air Talent
  • Cornerstone (WaYfm): Program Director Assitant (Intern)
  • Meijer: Media & Stationary Sales Associate - started to help out in photolab also since the departments merged but then I quit:)

Four movies I can watch over and over:

  • Bend It Like Beckham
  • Pride & Prejudice (The BBC version)
  • Gidget
  • Move Over Darling

Four tv shows I love/like to watch:

  • Beautiful People
  • Wildfire
  • I love the 90's
  • That 70's show (I only watch like an hour of tv a week so this is when I do watch something it's usually one of these)

Four places I’ve been on vacation:

  • Mackinac City
  • Myrtle Beach
  • Orlando
  • Columbus

Four favorite dishes:

  • Chicken - just about anything involving chicken
  • Gramma Jo's orange juice dessert - it maybe a dessert but it's still a favorite
  • Mashed potatoes - Gramma Jo makes the best mashed potatoes!
  • Aunt Kathy's Knots - If you had them you'd count them too hahahaha

Four websites I visit daily:


Four places I’d rather be:

  • England
  • Ireland
  • Tennessee
  • Anywhere that isn't Michigan :)