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Friday, March 03, 2006

An eventful day...

So ok yesterday was quite an interesting day. I went into work a few hours later than I'm used to. So I went inside to deliver the UPS packages that usually come to my office when WHAM! I fell. Yep I fell. My foot slipped out from underneath me and I bruised my tail bone. Not to mention my butt was wet. Luckily I had black pants on so it wasn't so noticeable. Faith and Ruth heard it. Luckily no one saw it... At least that I know of.

So then the job shadow I've been so geeked about came in and we had a blast and a half. It was a good experience for both of us. Her name is Megan and much to my surprise we had more in common than I was prepared for. Turns out one of my good friends, Andy is the lead singer of one her favorite bands, The Emberlight. She nearly started freaking out. It was just adorable beyond words. THEN she spent 2 hours on The Emberlight's website. What she was looking at for two hours I'm still trying to figure out! hahahaha

But then later on that night I went on the air for the first time ever... Live! As you know it's been WaYfm's Sharathon week and I was scheduled to be a reporter from phone central 6 -7 pm. I was so nervous and I think everyone there knew it. But God loves me and the hosts during that time were Joe & Andy (story about Andy at a later time) who I know better than some other people at the station so I could interact with them a lot easier. In fact one of the first things Joe said when it was my turn to talk was along the lines of "And a very nervous Stacey is in phone central..."

Thanks Joe! As I told him last night. It helped me get past that first break a lot easier because it got me talking and not so focused on what I needed to say.

So yeah it was an overall good night when you take out the bruised tail bone, wet butt and my smashing my left knee into my bed frame.

- Stacey -


Anonymous said...

Sounds like good times indeed Stacey

I am glad that the job shadow girl is cool ^^ . . . and I guess that I know one of your cousins. She was in my drawing class last semester and asked me if I knew you a couple of days ago when I was in color class. She said that she says hi ^^ '

I'm on break now *happy dance*

Stacey Ree said...

yep! that's my cousin, Stephanie. We figured out we both knew you Tuesday at the funeral dinner. So yeah. :) She ws like "his art is really good!" and all I said was "yep. I know." hahhahaha

So yeah she likes Anime stuff a lot so there's someone you can talk to who knows what you're talking about. I'm trying but there's a lot to learn. hahahaha

- Stacey -

Anonymous said...

Really? . . . I didn't know that she was into anime

- well really ... I haven't really ever talked to her before, so I guess there really is no way for me to know, but she didn't come across as someone who would like anime I guess *shruggs shoulders*

Anonymous said...

All cruelty springs from hard heartedness and weakness.