Wedding Countdown Ticker

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


"Lose It" by: Cartel
"Drama doesn't follow me it rides on my back I may be ugly but they sure love to stare."

I never realized how true those lyrics were until just now. As the only "Emo" person in the room all eyes immediately go to me. Thick, Black eyeliner and dark hair covering my left eye. I am an outsider. But honestly I could care less. I like how I look. For the first time in my life I am truly comfortable with who I am. And it shows. I get a lot of compliments on it. So stare if you must. I am no different than you. I just dress differently. You only give people like me all the more reason to dress and act the way we do. lol


Cal said...

We only smile and stare because it's amazing to see that much energy all wrapped up in such a small package. You rock, little friend! :-D

Corey Patrick Miller said...

You actually dress very normally in my view of things so it's hard for me to imagine you sticking out because of the way you look. But of course, I mainly see college art students in my life . . . and they tend to dress VERY far away from the norm.