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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Melody Softly Soaring Through My Atmosphere....

listening to: "Don't You Fake It" (The full cd) by: The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

I don't know what the deal is today but for some reason I am missing Tennessee more than I have since I left. I hate being homesick. I have things to do here. But I really miss it.

I miss my grilled Chicken Sough Dough Jack with the larger thank I am drink from Jack in the box. I miss Chick-Fil-A. I miss inside jokes with Stephanie. Numerous trips to Taco Bell, Starbucks and Walmart. Sure all those are in Michigan. But it isn't the same. I miss going to the studio, The Global Cafe, Stephanie's basement Church with the Panera Bagels.

PANERA!!! Oh man I miss Steph's obsession with the bread! lol

I miss April being my stand in mom and always at the ready to take down Dylan for making me cry... AGAIN! As crazy as it may be... I miss crying cause Dylan was being a jerk and not standing up to John. Dylan didn't always make me cry... but I had my fair share of tears. I miss going over to his house cause I could. And knowing he would just sit and be with me when I had dried and come as close to rock bottom as I had in a long time.

I miss exchanging shy smiles and hellos with Shawn before I even knew his names. lol

Not Hot Thomas! Hot Gregory! OH MY SWEET COOKIES I MISS DROOLING OVER THEM FROM AFAR! *dies laughing*

The mall food court. "Let's go to the food court. Hey we could eat at the food court."

Making April feel hot. Shopping with Stephanie. April's love of sour patch kids! lol Body Central! Man I miss my store!

I miss the city. The Atmosphere. The food. The smells. My friends. I even miss losing sleep cause of random calls from family and friends back in Michigan forgetting that I was an hour behind, calling to tell me that it was snowing in Michigan even thought it was 3 am in Tennessee. lol

I am in desperate need of a trip home. Even if only for the weekend.
- Stacey -