Wedding Countdown Ticker

Friday, November 23, 2007

Randomness that is Stacey

listening to: "Near To You" by: A Fine Frenzy
Ok so I'm back in Michigan.. it snows... sadly. I had to get the frost off of my car today... guess how since my scrapper is gone... A CD CASE! *dies laughing* just thought you'd want to know. I found it quite amusing!

Anyway... I get a lot of my friends asking if I have heard about a band or what I like a the moment... so if you want to know what I happen to be listening to... HEAR ya go...

Check it out!

See ya later alligator... *drifts into a memory*
- Stacey Ree -


Corey Patrick Miller said...

"Hear ya go" I see what you did there.

- Snow is really lame, and my doors were actually frozen shut the other day. I have also used a CD case for the same purpose on several occasions. And I know most of these songs . . . but not all of them, but almost all of them are really good, almost :P