Wedding Countdown Ticker

Thursday, February 23, 2006

my dream...

ok so I just woke up from a reall weird dream... I went to chuch but it was all bckwards... I mean that littereally... sort off... all the guys dressed up as girls and vise versa. Like my chilhood friend / first crush, Joe dressed up like my Gramma Jo.

My dad was there... my dad is Catholic... I'm not. So that was odd. But he had 2 of his brothers with him too... my uncle Joe & My Uncle Jim.

Ther service was all about how our preacher was yet again trying to get the congragation to concent to build a new church and at a new localtion. We don't want one! But that both are true in real life.

So weird... hmm....

Oh and as I promised.... here are some pictures taken last night of the new glasses. I should have them at work today since I have to wear them when I drive.

-k- off to get ready for work...

- Stacey-


Anonymous said...

That is indeed a very strange dream . . . .

And hooray for glasses ^___^ And they don't look strange at all . . . like you have always worn glasses when I saw you, if that makes any sense >_>