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Saturday, February 18, 2006

my grandma

last night my sister, Jennifer called and asked if I wanted to go to Alma to basically go say 'goodbye' to grandma before she died. Well ok she asked if I wanted to go to Alma to see her but I knew what she meant. Anyway... I agreed.

So Jennifer and Jerry (my brother-in-law) & I went to Gratiot County Hospital (the hospital where I was born) to find my dad waiting in the lobby. He's got a really bad cold the he said he hasn't been able to shake for a while now but looked like he was gonna cry.

My stepmom, Linda, 2 of her sisters & 1 one of her brother-in-laws were in the waiting room up Grandma's floor. I had never met one of her sisters so that was nice. But anyway... we got there pretty late but the hospital wasn't enforcing the normal visitng hours for her since she was so bad.

So Dad, Linda, Jerry, Jennifer & I went down to her room and Linda and the doctor said we shouldn't go in if we had any open wounds. Linda had to wear a face mask... thingie... cause she has a pretty bad cold too. Turns out my Grandma isn't dying cause she's old... well that may be a factor.... but it's because she has breast cancer in both of her breasts. She didn't know she had it and then when she found out she hid it from everyone.

Ok there's being stubborn and there's just plain crazy.

Anyway... it was a great lesson in what cancer can do if it's not properly taken care of. I'll spare you the gorry (& extremely painful) details. Just know that without a doubt she will die soon and unfortunatly in a lot of pain. :(

Thank you everyone for your prayers. I'm afraid the only prayers left to say are that God lets her pass soon so the pain is lessend and that the family learns from this and heals quickly from the void of her not being around. We all are beleivers. So we know it's better for her to pass and be with God than it is to try and believe this will go away.

- Stacey -


Anonymous said...

Oh Stacey! I am SO Sorry that your Grandma had to go through all of that! Yes, it's so good to know where she is now, and with who!!! Just think: No PAIN of ANY kind for her anymore! She's just hangin' out with Jesus, having a great time I'm sure!!! And I'll bet that she's even met my dear, sweet "Mother-in-Love" (Mom in Law that I Love Dearly!) by now!!! I think your Grandma's rather Lucky to be in Heaven..... I'm so selfish and missing sweet Janet Lee Aaron SO much that I'd give just about anything to have her back here with us--- she had only just turned 51; Mark and I didn't tell her that we were going to try to start a family because we wanted to "surprize" her! (She so wanted to be a Grandmother!) Right after she died, I got pregnant for your new friend, and #1 Fan: Miss Meggan! :) She never got to hold any of our 3 kids in her arms... but I know that she holds them in her heart!!!
And I know that your Grandma holds you in her heart also.
Thanks for being so sweet, and for everything you did for Meg!
Love, Lorrie <><

Anonymous said...

Oh Stacey! I am SO Sorry that your Grandma had to go through all of that! Yes, it's so good to know where she is now, and with who!!! Just think: No PAIN of ANY kind for her anymore! She's just hangin' out with Jesus, having a great time I'm sure!!! And I'll bet that she's even met my dear, sweet "Mother-in-Love" (Mom in Law that I Love Dearly!) by now!!! I think your Grandma's rather Lucky to be in Heaven..... I'm so selfish and missing sweet Janet Lee Aaron SO much that I'd give just about anything to have her back here with us--- she had only just turned 51; Mark and I didn't tell her that we were going to try to start a family because we wanted to "surprize" her! (She so wanted to be a Grandmother!) Right after she died, I got pregnant for your new friend, and #1 Fan: Miss Meggan! :) She never got to hold any of our 3 kids in her arms... but I know that she holds them in her heart!!!
And I know that your Grandma holds you in her heart also.
Thanks for being so sweet, and for everything you did for Meg!
Love, Lorrie <><