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Thursday, February 16, 2006

The new me...

Ok so it's no big secret... I need glasses... Don't they look hot??
Nah I'm just kidding... but in all honest yes I need glasses. I went.... ummm... umm.... what day was that.... maybe I need a new brain... MONDAY! That's what day it was. Ok so I went monday to get my eyes checked so I could get my perscription and order my glasses. I picked out a pair that are TOTALLY me... you'll have to wait until I get them to see if they look anything like this...


on a side note... please keep my family and a friend/co-worker of mine's family in your prayers. John (my friend) is waiting on some news (last time I knew - he may have it by now) that may effect the rest of his life.

I just got a call from my sister not too long ago... maybe an hour now. Anyway... she got a call from our dad to pass on the news that my sisters & I might be getting another phone call in the next few days that my Grandma Mills has died. We've known for a for a few years it was coming... she's been steadly getting worse for a while now. She was taken to the hospital this morning (if I heard right... it may have been last night) and they think she only has a few days left. My dad says he has a cold... which is entirely possible... but Jennifer (my eldest sister who dad called) said he sounded like he was taking it pretty hard.

My dad has lost both of his parents. Grandpa Goodman died back in 1988 i think... I'm pretty sure I was 6 at the time... of lung cancer. Right Aunt Cheryl? Then Grandma Goodman died when I was a freshman in High School. That was one that took us all by surprise. But that's another story.

ANYWAY... now when my Grandma Mills passes Linda (my stepmom) will be without both of her parents. I never met my Grandpa Mills. He died long before I had the chance.

So the only granparents I will have left are my mom's - I don't think Grandpa Mitchell & Gramma Jo (yes I know I spelled Grandma oddly... it's a family thing) aren't going any time soon. But you never know right?

So anyway... If you don't hear anything from me for a few days or I'm suddenly missing from work... that's why.

I'll keep you updated when I find out more about both Grandma Mills & John.

May God lead you on the paths He has paved for you
- Stacey -


Anonymous said...

- Weeeee I have power again ^____^ -

I am sorry to hear about your grandma, and although I almost feel awkward talking about it in the same post. Those pictures are frickin' amazing XDD . . . and they are 1024x768 . . . wallpaper sized. How Conveeeenient :)

Stacey Ree said...


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't what? >_>

Stacey Ree said...

you know very well what I mean... I'm not about to say it cause then you'd be like "you gave me the idea!"

sort of like free beer and hot wings this morning.... Nope not gonna happen.