Wedding Countdown Ticker

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Last Night.

Ok if you don't understand what I'm saying it's cause I'm REALLY tired! Last night was the Superchic[k], KJ-52, Eleventy Seven & Seventh Day Slumber show at the Ground Floor the evening was a riot and a half as you can tell...

As you can tell... Yep! FUUUUUUN Night! With a little help from my new friends, Eleventy Seven (Jonathan attacking me & laughing, Matt doing a funny face, and Caleb rubbing my head) and all of the wonderful WaYfm listeners that came out to the show!

This was by far one of the best shows I've ever been to! If you were there I hope you had even a portion of the fun I had! Allswell in the land of FAKE beleive! hahahaha SAVE THE UNICORNS! If you want to understand what I just said... go to

I'm going back to bed

- Stacey -


Anonymous said...

Well I am glad that you had fun, and it looks like there was a very good turn out as well ^^

Natalie Jean said...

awww...those guys are the best. espically that adorable bass player. lol. may is gonna be a goood month!!!