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Friday, April 14, 2006

answered prayers

Yes I said it... answered prayers. Last night God answered MANY of my prayers. Last night it became very apparent to my last night that I'm not truly happy. It honestly feel like Natalie all over again... only with me!

Nat, Leslie & I worked the road crew last night for the latest Kutless tour. Now don't ask me the name of the tour... I don't like Kutless so I honestly can't tell ya. But we had a blast and a half as you can tell.... We met a lot of really great people... 3 in particular... Nick, Travis & Chad. Chad worked the monitor board while Travis & Nick held down the lighting. We (the girls and I) worked side by side with Travis & Nick... I'd say... 70% of the night. The rest was us doing set changes and watching some of the show.

But anyway... yeah we had a lot of fun. All 3 guys kept joking around on us. Travis I think liked picking on us the most! hahaha He kept telling us we were "going to slow" or "hey what are you doing? That doesn't go there!" And then Chad told me as we were unloading the equipment from the truck that he was gonna stuff me in one of the drape bags and take me with them! hahaha

Nick was the most funny like when it came directed towards me. The girls... and the other girls we met were folding up the drapes to get them ready for thier "dramtic fall" and were laughing cause I wasn't strong enough cause one weight a whole lot more than me and I could hardly move it. So Nick came around the corner and goes "I hear a whole lot of laughing and not a whole lot of working!" and then just prior to the that as we were pulling out the drapes to fold them I was laughing about Chad's "take me with them" comment and Nick said something like "Yeah until you started talking"

All of the girls and Nick started laughing. I acted like I was pouting and stuff. But it was really funny. I told him I was gonna blog about it so I'd never forget it. I DID NICK! hahahaha

So yeah I'm trying to keep it short. I just wanted you to know how much fun we had and show some pics. Nat took more pics. We're just waiting for them to be developed. I LOVE MY DIGITAL!


Anonymous said...

Looks like some good times indeed ^^

- I am glad that you had so much fun

Natalie Jean said...

aww....look at me and leslie. so much fun. and who's that walking flicker records bilboard with travis and nick? she must love flicker!!!!