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Wednesday, April 05, 2006


So last night I had a dream about the infamous "him." I don't remember the dream. All I can remember is that Natalie and her "him" were there. I don't remember what they were doing or anything. But that they were there. I remember that "He" was defending me. We were in the hallway in a building... could have been a school, house, church... but I was cowering behind him as he stood up to this person or thing.. not sure what 'it' was. I remember feeling more afraid of what this 'thing' would do to him than to myself.

I talked to Nat about this dream and her reply... "maybe it was him defending you from the devil or something.and it's a sign that he'll save you from something" Only she used his real name of course.

Now I know most of you know EXACTLY who I am talking about. But I fear that one day 'he' will happen upon this blog... this post... and be afraid of me. I am going to tell him how I feel. I'm just not sure of how or when... I need God's help with it.

And yes I know about the minor technicalities at hand... but I'm working on those as well. All I can do right now is pray.

- Stacey -