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Saturday, April 22, 2006

Humble Jobs

Today while at my 2nd job that I don’t really enjoy… It was brought to my attention why God put me there. I’m sure you by now are familiar with the saying “There’s a reason for everything.” Well there is. No the reason I have that job is not to pay the bills – though always a plus. It’s to make me humble. To remind me that not everyone loves what they do. I didn’t realize how ‘out of touch’ with myself and God I have become. Which in itself is crazy since at the radio station I literally work for the guy. It’s so easy to get ‘caught up’ in the smiles you can give others and miss the real reason they are smiling. I never thought I’d say it… Thank you, Lord… For this humbling job. And for slim jims when my keys get locked in my car – more on that later.


Natalie Jean said...

it's odd how god can even make something like a job you don't like be a blessing. he works in odd ways like that. it's cool that you can see that. most people can't. and yes, slim jims that get you in your car are amazing. without them, most of us would be walking or calling a cab.

Corey Patrick Miller said...

Thanks for the congratulations ^__^

- And I am quite intrigued by the keys locked in car and slim jims . . . hmmmm