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Thursday, November 24, 2005

Merry Humble Thanksgiving!

Well as many of you know today was the day that mom & I went to serve our first year with the Meltrotter Ministries anual Thanksgiving Banquet. We were supposed to work at the coat check for the volenteers but God had a different plan for us. We were asked at the last minute to be a table host. Which means we were asked to be "family" to those sitting at our certain table.

A Hispanic family of 7 sat with us and what a joy they were. There were 3 boys and 2 girls... And then the mom and dad obviously. The boys were 14 (I Think... never confrimed), 11, & 3 while the girls were 9 & 7. We found out almost straight away that the dad and all of his siblings had diabetes. But was was even more sad... they all were still in Mexico... all but one sister... she lived in Canada.

So this family litterally only had each other. Mom and I quickly befriended them and began joking around hevily with them esp the younger kids. The eldest son seemed to keep us at arms length the entire time. While joking with the 2 girls the guy from the next table, Allen, that table's host... joined in with joking around with the girls. It was very apparent that they reall enjoyed the attention.

Then as I showed them the easiest way out for them a lady came in from the REALLY cold weather and asked me where the food was. I hardly heard her so i asked her to repeat herself. So she did and I pointed out where the "dinning room" was. This is the cool part... out of EVERY volenteer in that place... she walked up to... my mom. What are the odds.

She asked my mom "I saw people coming out of here with food. My family doesn't have anything to eat. Can I have some food?" Allen was right near my mom and they began to litterally fill her arms with food. Then God showed himself the most. Mom announced "This lady would like some food. Can we get her some?" Since they were all cleaning up at that time there wasn't a whole lot left. But mom said like 6 people dropped everything and gave this lady as much as she could carry.

Mom and I went today with a plan to do God's work and make someone's Thanksgiving better... God used us beyond our what our dreams had thought. He used us to not only touch 1 life... Together we touched at least 8. Over 1,500 people showed up to eat and there were well over 200 volenteers. There's no doubt God was there today and to know that he used me in such a way that I will never forget... it's so humbeling.

- Stacey -

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I'm an idiot... but working on it!

yeup it's true... I admit it... I'm "ditzy" I locked my keys in my car AGAIN the other day. I don't have any idea what my deal is lately. I never had a problem up until a few months ago with that. Here i thought I was being all smart and locking my car while I let it warm up... Then I went to unlock it realizing that the key I had was for the TRUNK. Now tell me honestly... why would anyone make a key that fit the inginiton and the doors BUT NOT THE TRUNK????? and a key that fit the trunk BUT NOTHING ELSE???? Maybe I'm an idiot but that makes NO sense to me.

Eh it's a Ford... GET A DODGE!!!!!!!!

- Stacey -

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Mr. Camp, Bethany & The Afters

Well tonight was an overall sucess. I took my sister, Anisa to the Jeremy Camp show and I was so geeked cause I got to take her backstage. This was the first time she has ever met anyone "Famous". She said she was shaking when Jeremy hugged her.

We talked to Bethany Dillon first. Joe's fiance, Liz went back stage with Anisa & I. It was so cute cause as soon as Bethany saw Liz she litterally squealed. They grew up together in Ohio.

Then we talked to The Afters and they were awesome... OF COURSE. I love them. Anisa went to take a picture of me with them and I was telling Liz to get in the picture as Anisa snapped it. So I said "I was talking!" and Anisa said something along the lines of "You always are" or something and the drummer apparently gave her an "I can't believe you said that!" look and Anisa started laughing and told him "It's ok. She's my sister." So then he told her "She needs another one!" So we took another picutre... This time WITH Liz and WITHOUT my talking lol.

- Stacey -

Friday, November 18, 2005

Thanks Mom...

Have you ever watched a movie or heard a song and thought "That is EXACTLY what I feel like!" Yeup! Happened to me. All of you know how I feel about Miss Hillary Duff... well I don't like to admit it but I watched her movie "The Perfect Man" Well... that was my life. No we didn't move cause my mom had bad luck with guys.

But I grew up in a house full of girls with a single mom. She tried her hardest to make sure that we were well taken care of. I have to say... I think she did a lot better than she gives herself credit for.

I wish everyone had a mom like mine... shh don't tell her but I even wish that when we fight like mom & daughters do.

- Stacey -

Thursday, November 17, 2005

What A Day! What A Day!

Well as many of you know the last concert I attended was on the 9th... well now here it is the 17th and I've been surprised. I hate surprises... even if they're good. Anyway... I talked with Pat McGee from the Pat McGee band at the Hanson show. Anyway.We were kidding around I told him to send a cd for the station. Which is funny in itself since they aren't a christian band... his respose "We can be one!" hahahaha

So yeah he told me to e-mail him.. so I did... not expecting a reply. Then today as I went to check for mail for myself and Couchman.. yes I get the man's mail - otherwise it'll sit there forever and the singles will pile up before getting sorted and listened to. ANYWAY... There was a package in mine... no biggie. I get them all the time between WaY and HKR. So I grabbed it and noticed it said my name which IS odd.

IT WAS FROM PAT! lol I never even expected a reply. He sent me TWO cds! Tell you what. Check out the Pat McGee band cause Pat has huge heart and they deserve a chance. :)

Also... side note... HUGE happy day to Isaac Hanson. It's his b-day today!

One quick guestion... yes I know I'm totally random.... Does it makes sence to you that the performance of the title track to a movie has been deleted from one of my favorite 50's movies???? Yeah... me neither!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Please pray...

please pray for me. I'm really having a hard time coming to terms with what God wants me to do with my skills and the tools he has given me. I have felt for a long time like I am called to sponsor a child. However while searching for the right site and seeking guidance on this... nothing has pulled at my heart strings telling me.. you need to sponsor this child.. you need to use this organization...

that is until I accidently began searching sponsoring a child on an adoption agency. Only thing is... I am a single working woman who can hardly support herself... let a lone an adopted child.

Please pray for me. Please pray that God uses me to carry out his work. Please pray that I follow the paths that he lays before me. And please pray for these children that need the love and support of people like us.

- Stacey -

where did everyone go?

Everyone left me. I could be at my worst. Need a friend the most right now and no one talks to me. I see how it is. I had wonderful news but fine. I'll keep it to myself.

- Stacey -

Thursday, November 10, 2005

loss of sleep... again!

well you guessed it...I'm having a hard time getting some sleep in. You'd think it'd be super easy to do considering I got home from the concert at 3 am last night. And didn't fall asleep until at least 4am and then had to be up by 7 to get to the station on time. THEN I worked the WCSG Sharathon until 9pm... yeup... didn't get home until 10 and I'm STIL wide awake. Now explain that?

Must be that I saw Hanson again. I haven't been able to attend one of thier shows since 1998. That saddens me. Yes I said Hanson. They're still around and still making great music. Make fun if you must but I am at least honest enough to admit I like that I like them. And dont try to sing the words... you don't know the words so don't bother. hahahaha

Sunday, November 06, 2005


I just woke up from a dream that to some might not be all that freaky.. but to me.. it was. I was in GR going to see a movie. Only thing was the parking lot was litterally like 10 blocks from the cinema AND it was at a REALLY run down old house that SO didn't look like a theatre at all!

I was having one of those days where I was feeling really lonely so I went alone to be alone. On my walk from my car some homeless person was like "Hey girlie!" and started following me. I started freaking out cause it was the "Getto" side of town. But I thought for some dumb reason that to keep going would be better than to run back to my car... which was like 100 feet... ok maybe like 500 feet from me at the time.

On the way I ran into my old Boss' boss, Dave and he walked with me for a while... which freaked me out cause he hugged me. BUT when he stopped hugging me, it was my dad. So then it was cool. So we walked the rest of the way and dad had some class he had to go to. So I freaked out again and wanted to go back to my car but it was too far for me to walk alone. But my dad's class got out at 2:30 am for some reason. I was NOT about to stand around in that neighborhood til then so i walked over to the movie alone.

Of course I freaked out again when I saw the place and went to call my ex cause I knew he wasn't that far away since he was at a concert. So I called his cell. Which is odd cause he doesn't have one... and it called my mom. that's when I woke up.

Now here i am awake at 2:34 am. 4 minutes after my dad was supposed to get out of class. I wonder if it's true... If dreams are a way God tells you somethings. If there's a reason I had this dream. I've spent most of my life believing in dream analysis' and that dreams are your subconcious talking. If so... what does it all mean???


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I'm thirsty... and a movie review

Well it's official I watched Kingdom Of Heaven for the first time tonight. I bought it like 2 days after it came out and it's just been sitting on my dvd shelf waiting for me to have time to watch it. So I did. My reaction???

BUY IT! If you can watch 90% of the Passion Of The Christ... you will have no problem with this... ok I take that back... if you can watch even a smidge of the "bloody" scences in Passion then you can take this movie. I don't like "bloody" movies and I loved this one! In fact it struck a nereve so much so that I can't sleep. Not out of fear... but out of shame. Knowing what Jesus gave to save me and what I could be doing for him.. not only that what I know I could do and what I am not doing.

It makes me sad to know that I am not living up to what God has called me to do. It makes me sick that I have betrayed him and denyed him so many times throughout my life... and yet... he still loves me as if I have never sinned against him.

Now that is love

- stacey -