Wedding Countdown Ticker

Thursday, November 17, 2005

What A Day! What A Day!

Well as many of you know the last concert I attended was on the 9th... well now here it is the 17th and I've been surprised. I hate surprises... even if they're good. Anyway... I talked with Pat McGee from the Pat McGee band at the Hanson show. Anyway.We were kidding around I told him to send a cd for the station. Which is funny in itself since they aren't a christian band... his respose "We can be one!" hahahaha

So yeah he told me to e-mail him.. so I did... not expecting a reply. Then today as I went to check for mail for myself and Couchman.. yes I get the man's mail - otherwise it'll sit there forever and the singles will pile up before getting sorted and listened to. ANYWAY... There was a package in mine... no biggie. I get them all the time between WaY and HKR. So I grabbed it and noticed it said my name which IS odd.

IT WAS FROM PAT! lol I never even expected a reply. He sent me TWO cds! Tell you what. Check out the Pat McGee band cause Pat has huge heart and they deserve a chance. :)

Also... side note... HUGE happy day to Isaac Hanson. It's his b-day today!

One quick guestion... yes I know I'm totally random.... Does it makes sence to you that the performance of the title track to a movie has been deleted from one of my favorite 50's movies???? Yeah... me neither!