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Saturday, November 19, 2005

Mr. Camp, Bethany & The Afters

Well tonight was an overall sucess. I took my sister, Anisa to the Jeremy Camp show and I was so geeked cause I got to take her backstage. This was the first time she has ever met anyone "Famous". She said she was shaking when Jeremy hugged her.

We talked to Bethany Dillon first. Joe's fiance, Liz went back stage with Anisa & I. It was so cute cause as soon as Bethany saw Liz she litterally squealed. They grew up together in Ohio.

Then we talked to The Afters and they were awesome... OF COURSE. I love them. Anisa went to take a picture of me with them and I was telling Liz to get in the picture as Anisa snapped it. So I said "I was talking!" and Anisa said something along the lines of "You always are" or something and the drummer apparently gave her an "I can't believe you said that!" look and Anisa started laughing and told him "It's ok. She's my sister." So then he told her "She needs another one!" So we took another picutre... This time WITH Liz and WITHOUT my talking lol.

- Stacey -