Wedding Countdown Ticker

Sunday, November 06, 2005


I just woke up from a dream that to some might not be all that freaky.. but to me.. it was. I was in GR going to see a movie. Only thing was the parking lot was litterally like 10 blocks from the cinema AND it was at a REALLY run down old house that SO didn't look like a theatre at all!

I was having one of those days where I was feeling really lonely so I went alone to be alone. On my walk from my car some homeless person was like "Hey girlie!" and started following me. I started freaking out cause it was the "Getto" side of town. But I thought for some dumb reason that to keep going would be better than to run back to my car... which was like 100 feet... ok maybe like 500 feet from me at the time.

On the way I ran into my old Boss' boss, Dave and he walked with me for a while... which freaked me out cause he hugged me. BUT when he stopped hugging me, it was my dad. So then it was cool. So we walked the rest of the way and dad had some class he had to go to. So I freaked out again and wanted to go back to my car but it was too far for me to walk alone. But my dad's class got out at 2:30 am for some reason. I was NOT about to stand around in that neighborhood til then so i walked over to the movie alone.

Of course I freaked out again when I saw the place and went to call my ex cause I knew he wasn't that far away since he was at a concert. So I called his cell. Which is odd cause he doesn't have one... and it called my mom. that's when I woke up.

Now here i am awake at 2:34 am. 4 minutes after my dad was supposed to get out of class. I wonder if it's true... If dreams are a way God tells you somethings. If there's a reason I had this dream. I've spent most of my life believing in dream analysis' and that dreams are your subconcious talking. If so... what does it all mean???
