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Thursday, November 24, 2005

Merry Humble Thanksgiving!

Well as many of you know today was the day that mom & I went to serve our first year with the Meltrotter Ministries anual Thanksgiving Banquet. We were supposed to work at the coat check for the volenteers but God had a different plan for us. We were asked at the last minute to be a table host. Which means we were asked to be "family" to those sitting at our certain table.

A Hispanic family of 7 sat with us and what a joy they were. There were 3 boys and 2 girls... And then the mom and dad obviously. The boys were 14 (I Think... never confrimed), 11, & 3 while the girls were 9 & 7. We found out almost straight away that the dad and all of his siblings had diabetes. But was was even more sad... they all were still in Mexico... all but one sister... she lived in Canada.

So this family litterally only had each other. Mom and I quickly befriended them and began joking around hevily with them esp the younger kids. The eldest son seemed to keep us at arms length the entire time. While joking with the 2 girls the guy from the next table, Allen, that table's host... joined in with joking around with the girls. It was very apparent that they reall enjoyed the attention.

Then as I showed them the easiest way out for them a lady came in from the REALLY cold weather and asked me where the food was. I hardly heard her so i asked her to repeat herself. So she did and I pointed out where the "dinning room" was. This is the cool part... out of EVERY volenteer in that place... she walked up to... my mom. What are the odds.

She asked my mom "I saw people coming out of here with food. My family doesn't have anything to eat. Can I have some food?" Allen was right near my mom and they began to litterally fill her arms with food. Then God showed himself the most. Mom announced "This lady would like some food. Can we get her some?" Since they were all cleaning up at that time there wasn't a whole lot left. But mom said like 6 people dropped everything and gave this lady as much as she could carry.

Mom and I went today with a plan to do God's work and make someone's Thanksgiving better... God used us beyond our what our dreams had thought. He used us to not only touch 1 life... Together we touched at least 8. Over 1,500 people showed up to eat and there were well over 200 volenteers. There's no doubt God was there today and to know that he used me in such a way that I will never forget... it's so humbeling.

- Stacey -