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Thursday, November 10, 2005

loss of sleep... again!

well you guessed it...I'm having a hard time getting some sleep in. You'd think it'd be super easy to do considering I got home from the concert at 3 am last night. And didn't fall asleep until at least 4am and then had to be up by 7 to get to the station on time. THEN I worked the WCSG Sharathon until 9pm... yeup... didn't get home until 10 and I'm STIL wide awake. Now explain that?

Must be that I saw Hanson again. I haven't been able to attend one of thier shows since 1998. That saddens me. Yes I said Hanson. They're still around and still making great music. Make fun if you must but I am at least honest enough to admit I like that I like them. And dont try to sing the words... you don't know the words so don't bother. hahahaha