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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I'm thirsty... and a movie review

Well it's official I watched Kingdom Of Heaven for the first time tonight. I bought it like 2 days after it came out and it's just been sitting on my dvd shelf waiting for me to have time to watch it. So I did. My reaction???

BUY IT! If you can watch 90% of the Passion Of The Christ... you will have no problem with this... ok I take that back... if you can watch even a smidge of the "bloody" scences in Passion then you can take this movie. I don't like "bloody" movies and I loved this one! In fact it struck a nereve so much so that I can't sleep. Not out of fear... but out of shame. Knowing what Jesus gave to save me and what I could be doing for him.. not only that what I know I could do and what I am not doing.

It makes me sad to know that I am not living up to what God has called me to do. It makes me sick that I have betrayed him and denyed him so many times throughout my life... and yet... he still loves me as if I have never sinned against him.

Now that is love

- stacey -