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Monday, February 27, 2006


Maybe I'm being a baby but the fact that Shane is backing out of going to my grandma's funeral is really disappointing me. I understand that he doesn't like funerals since the last one he went to was his mom's and he buried BOTH parents before he turned 24. That and he doesn't know anyone in my family.

It just disappoints me because he didn't want to go to the hospital with me. Then he didn't want to go to visitation... But he would go to the funeral. So at first I got mad over that but then thought at least he was willing to go to something. The effort was there and I knew it would be hard for him.

But last night he backed out on the funeral because he "needs to get his car fixed" HE'S USING MINE RIGHT NOW! Why? Because I didn't want him to feel like he had to ask for a ride or walk to work. Michigan is cold! So he "has to work out the car situation" and he doesn't know anyone. In a nut shell he just plain and simple doesn't want to go. I'm hurt.

I don't know his family that well... In fact I didn't know his family at all but I was willing to come home from Ohio (even if that meant walking cause I didn't have my car with me at the time) to go to his mom's funeral cause he was my best friend.

Yeah I know there's a difference between a mom and a step-grandma that you weren't extremely close to. But like Natalie and I both agree I could be just SAYING that I'm ok and inside be a mess.

Not to mention Shane was around during the whole fiasco with my last boyfriend who only some of my family met and the rest joke about him not existing because he always tried to get out of meeting them... AND DID!

Shane knows how much that killed me every time I had to make and excuse as to why Jerry wasn't there... He wanted to hit him every time it happened... So why does he insist on doing the exact same thing?

And no this is not the first time this has happened. He's "not wanted to go" to birthday dinners and other family get together things... And I went to like ALL of his that I could.

UGH! I need to shut up now before I start crying again!

- Me -


Anonymous said...

*hug* . . .

I am sorry Stace. I feel as though I should have some sort of sage advice for you in a situation like this, however I am not very sage-like. So I guess all I can do is be a huggin' machine or somethin' ^~^

Anonymous said...

I think you deserve to be treated better Stacey.

You are a Very Sweet and caring person that I am glad to have met- and I hope to get to know better!

I believe that friends should be there for each-other... but it works BOTH ways!

Maybe he's just not able to give of himself in the emotion/comfort department. (This might be a nice way of saying that I think maybe he's too selfish and just cannot be there for you when it's an uncomfortable situation for him! He just doesn't deserve you!)

I will pray for you... That God will give you wisdom to know His will!