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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Sad Birthday...

ok so I know that today is supposed to be one of the happiest days of the year for me... but after the night I had last night... I think I need to blog about something a little sad...

I spent most of the night in tears alone. Natalie, Leslie & my mom were a huge help in calming me down and making me feel better. But all in all the feelings were still there. I just have to face the fact that sometimes you just have a bad day.

So on that note I thought I'd share the lyrics to a song I came across last night by one of my favorite bands, Nevertheless. (Yes they really spell it all smushed together like that) The song as sad as the first 3/4 of it are it really helped my mood. So I encourage you to listen to this song and/or re-read the lyrics when you have a night like I did. Check back later beacause if today is better than last night I will be sure to update.

Once again you compramised
There's no life in your hopeless eyes
But it's just like yesterday
If you listen to what they say

And you feel hopeless
And you feel lost
And you feel hopeless
And you feel lost

And you're tired of playing the fool
All your tears could form a pool
Of heartbreak and hopelessness
You heed this life, life over rest

And you feel hopeless
And you feel lost
And you feel hopeless
And you feel lost

Open your eyes dear friend
See that this is not the end
cause there's a man before you lived
With a love and power to forgive

- "Sincerely" by: Nevertheless -


Corey Patrick Miller said...

Well I hope that your day gets better . . . I will definitely draw you a pic once this portfolio review stuff is over with ^~^

- And it actually was your birthday when I posted that. I posted it around 2:00 in the morning, but I guess that the time is messed up or something because it said that it was 10 something or other >_>

Natalie Jean said...

i feel so helpless when i read that. but i know that we will get through anything together. even if it means that we will spend everyday waiting for e- mails and phone calls that never seem to come. at least we get to go through it together.