Wedding Countdown Ticker

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Then Life Throws You A Curveball

So imagine this...

You meet someone... Someone you just can't get off your mind as much as you try. This person gives you hope that someone could really care about you as a man and a woman should. But then you get scared when you realize you just met this person.

You go out with your best friend just because you can and feel the need to stop off at Starbucks and just chat. As you leave you suddenly notice that you're getting 'looks' from 2 good looking people in a nice car.

You laugh with your best friend as you think about this person you just met. Then all of a sudden you notice who the 'looker' was. It was that person you've been crushing on for the past 13 years. What do you do?

What goes through your mind?

You walk over and introduce your best friend and your co-worker who just came out of one of the nearby shops. You 'catch up'. Then they say something along the lines of 'give me a call. We should get together.'

You give them a hug good-bye and walk back to your car dumbfounded. You can't beleive that after all these years they are FINALLY showing some interest.

You take the opportunity to have a chance with this person... or do you??? Is this a test? This is the point when you need to ask yourself what God is telling you. Then the person you just met and can't seem to forget about creeps back into your mind.

Now more dumbfounded then ever you ask your best friend. "I've liked this person for 13 years now. NOW they start to show interest... So why am I still thinking about the one I just met?"

What do you do?


Natalie Jean said...

i know how you feel on this one. the curve balls in life are scary. but i look at it this way, they happen to remind us of what it is we want in life. think of it as a reality check, god's way of asking you if what you are persuing is really what you want. more importantly, if what you are persuing is what he wants for you. just keep praying, and he will show you the way. remember, nothing is impossible with the lord.

Corey Patrick Miller said...

I finally caved, and made an account on this thingie . . . although I doubt that I will ever actually update it very often ^^'

- Take your time and do whatever you think is right Stace :D

Anonymous said...

Girl... It sounds to me like God is testing you, just like Nat said. My advice... pray. God will always show you where to go. The question then becomes do you follow His lead or go off on your own. I vote for Nick, because he crept back into your mind after you saw the crush... but as you can tell by my current relationship...LOL, I know what I'm talking about LOL..

Be patient, do the last thing you KNOW God told you to do until he tells you something different. That way you won't miss His next message.