Wedding Countdown Ticker

Monday, January 30, 2006

Normal is so not for me!

ok ok I admit it. I have a problem. ok no jokes now ;) we ALL know I have mental issues hahaha.

So yeah. I need to stop watching certain types of movies and listening to certain bands. They always make me feel and/or act a certain way. For instance, tonight I was watching Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights... yeup I'm putting that on my "stay away from it's dangerous!" list. Why? Because of the dancing. Every time I see a "Dance" movie. I get all weird... like excited weird and then miss dancing so much that I literally start to dance. It doesn't matter what I'm doing. I end up dancing while doing it.

I was doing the laundry. Since I live in apartments it's pretty common to have the washer & dryer be a community use facility. Right? Well watching one of your neighbors doing the meringue down the hallway to hang up her dress shirts is not all that ordinary. I think my neighbors think I'm crazy.

They have NO idea! hahahahaha

Friday, January 27, 2006


Happiness… Exactly what is it? What triggers it? Why is it so important?

“The happiness of the individual. Does this mean that all happiness is deferred to the future? Not at all. Every moment of life is an opportunity to make a step towards the ultimate joy – and also to experience it on the way.”

“Personal Redemption. The goal is in the future, yet in the steps toward it are in the present. This can achieve what this Hasidim describe as the ‘personal Redemption.’ For the individual personally, now, it is as it in some ways has been attained.”

Both of these statements came from a book by Stuart McCready entitled “The Discovery Of Happiness” in which my sister gave to me for Christmas. No this was not because I’m “unhappy.” Those who know me know that’s far from the truth. But it makes me wonder how many levels of happiness there really are and how they are obtained.

It seems that so often we live for the “one day” and focus too little on the “here and now.” To those things that get us from point A to point B. While doing this the joy in just living seems to escape our thoughts. Kind of like it’s suddenly overcast and all of the those clouds in our minds have demands like “Work harder!” “Be thinner!” “Love less!” written all over them.

So I challenge you to stop reading… don’t even comment. Just take five minutes. Close the door… Shut the curtains… Turn off the music… and “find yourself”. Why? Because five minutes is all it takes. Then tell me if you feel any different.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

i'm ok... really...

this is something I posted in my cousin Leslie's myspace comments after telling her everything i knew about my leaving His Kids Radio. After i posted it I realized it reall applied to all of you. So I thought I'd post it here also. So that all of you may know how much I appreciate your support. I really do. :)

the comment:

i'm ok... i've had a lot of people come up to me who are as devastaed and shocked as I was when I found out. But as time ticks on I know more and more this just a bump in God's road.

I understand that he has to give me these "bumps" to make me appreciate the goal when I reach and conquer it. I have just completed one of his tasks is all and now it's time to take on the next one.

I know it'll be worth the hurt of leaving my firends. But I know I will be missed and they know they will be also. So I know I wont lose contact with any of them.

thanks for asking - you're more than my cousin... you're a great friend and I hope you know that. I love you little one! *hugs with orange poker chips*

- Stacey -

An end and a new begining

I feel like I've failed. I know that I haven't and I know that God just has something else in mind for me. I just feel rejected. I loved my job an I'm sorry to see it and all the friends I've made go. But I'm not going to let these feelings get the best of me. I don't know if this is God's way of saying 'it's time for Nashville." or just to explore something else in the christian music industry. But I do know that God has something in store for me. to be honest... when I remind myself of that... I get excited to do something else for God on a brand new level.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Stacey's A Klutz!

Ok so most of y'all know I've been sick for a few days now.. well this morning I started getting over it. I was all geeked cause I went to my 2nd cousin's wedding yesterday (which was a long time coming) and then went to have dinner with my mom, sister and brother-in-law so life was pretty good in the land of Stacey. Well that is until I went to the store to get cheese for dinner and suddenly my clumsiness comes into play... I slammed my left pointer finger in the car door. I was with my mom in her car and I had locked the door so I was like "Mom... help... Can you unlock the door? My finger is caught in it."

That was about the time my body caught on and goes "oh hey.. This hurts" So then my calmness stopped and my eyes started to tear as I tried to not make a fool out of myself by dancing around the parking lot crying and holding my finger. I slammed it right at the base of my nail so luckily it started to bleed so some of that pressure is gone. But it started to turn that unsightly purplish black almost as soon as I got it out from the jaws of the door. So pray that God will make the throbbing go away and that I get to keep my nail.

Thought of the moment... my newest pet-peeve... typing with only 9 fingers.... I might as well type with only one hand!

Friday, January 20, 2006

today gets 2 posts!!

Oh man... all I want to do is crawl under my desk with my nice warm space heater and continue listening to the Spoken cd that I'm playing and fall asleep. I still have like 45 min 'til it's time to play phone tag and I'm done with my work... so PLEASE update blogs or I will end up falling asleep. hahahaha

- Stacey -

being sick part 2

ok so I was up off and on all night coughing. Well around 2:30 am I got a call from my friend, Lynn. I met Lynn a few years back when I dated one of his best friends, Jimmy. Oh man was that a mistake and a half.... but that's another story... ANYWAY... Lynn asked how the progression with the crush was going. I told him it was getting closer to my telling him that I like him. So when I told Lynn that I hadn't told my crush yet he goes "Ok now you owe me a date!" If you knew Lynn, you'd laugh and realize it's just Lynn.

Anyway... Lynn is SUPER funny and the first time I coughed while talking to him he was like "Stacey's got Teberculosis." and then later on after coughing like 50 times he goes "Yeup. Stacey's dying." Basically Lynn is a dork. But you'd have to know Lynn to understand him. hahaha

So yeah it was an interesting evening and for an update... for those of you that don't know... my "crush" e-mailed me back - it was a simple and to the point 'thanks' e-mail but at least it was something. :D

OH! and I purchased a new lamp for my desk. I've been being a baby over how I wanted a cute little lamp for my desk and last night I found the perfect one. So it's proudly lighting up my desk as we speak.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


ok well as a follow up to the last post... I e-mailed him... sort of... I'm trying here.

So anyway... got to meet Warren Barfield today. That was super cool. I've actually been a fan of his since "My Heart Goes Out" and he never tours on this side of the country so it was way unexpected but really nice to meet him. He's REALLY funny! I got to hear the new cd too... just fyi... it's really good! :D

As you can tell by the subject... I'm sick. Not sick enough to stay home though. But I would personally like to thank whomever I obtained this from this time. That's about all that is happening in the land of Stacey. well all except my thoughts right now...

*intro music that's all jazzy*

I guess I never realized how blue eyes can get. I mean I always know they could get like so blue they almost... oh what's the word... umm... well... you know... anyway... I guess I never really paid any attention until now. As you all know I have a BIG crush. Well I just saw a new picture of him and I tell ya his eyes are the bluest I've ever seen. THIS IS NOT GOOD! I'm supposed to not be thinking about him all the time... seeing that is NOT helping at all. Ok ranting over. Night. *cough*

- Stacey -

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Living the dream

Everyday you live your life loving someone. That one person that God has created just for you. Even if you’ve never met them. You spend your whole life praying that “this one is the one.” And when you find you that they aren’t your heart is shattered. It’s more often than not stated “I will never love again.” When in all actuality… you’re right. Because you will never mortally love anyone as much as you love that one person.

If everyone realized this… the world might be a far better place. I’m in the midst of watching a movie called “If Only.” It stars Jennifer Love Hewitt who I’m not that big fan of but the movie looked good. She gets into a car accident and dies. Her boyfriend, Ian, doesn’t realize how much he loves her until after she’s gone.

So often in our lives we feel this way. We find that “one” person and we act as if they’re just another stepping stone to the person we’re meant to spend the rest of our lives with. We don’t take the time to take notice of the gift that God has given us. We don’t take the chance at love. At what could be.

Fear over takes us. And consumes us like we’re drowning in our own thoughts. Afraid to take a risk and see where God leads us. I, myself am guilty of this. I fear the “what if” so much that I never just take the risk.

I don’t know God’s plan or why “he” keeps getting thrown in my path. All I know is that he does. It could be a relationship… friendship… colleagues…. Whatever it maybe God has something in mind for me. I’m so afraid. I don’t want to get my hopes up. I don’t want to take the “leap” and get my heart broken. But at the same time if I don’t… someone else might take the chance before me.

I just wish God would tell me what he wants from me. But I know he thinks that I need to discover the path on my own. I need to seek out the trail and rake away the leaves. I need to open my eyes and my heart to whatever it maybe. I’ve already found that he wants me to be in Christian music. I’m still learning if that’s staying in radio… working at a label…. Or working on the road. All I know is that this is where he wants me… and that it has lead me to meeting “him.”

Friday, January 13, 2006

Matthew.. Travis... and A Broken Heart

Ok so I enjoyed the weather yesterday and then I was so dissappointed when Michigan showed it's true colors once again and did a 180 and SNOWED today! Well other than that I had a great day. I was totally on top of all my production... ok well all except the singles cd but that's hard to get done when you need a computer with a burner and all the Prod studios are taken. It would be SO much easier if my personal comp was hooked up to the network with the songs I needed on it.

So yeah it was a good day. Balyo has a blog now so I'm gonna start watching that one too and am gonna try to tease him as much as possible esp since he made me laugh during my tracking earlier. I told him I was gonna post "you're a dork!" like 50 times in his comments. hahaha too bad he has to approve the comments. Otherwise I SO would.

OH! THEN I've been basically craving my fix on Matthew & Travis... two of my favorite bands and then I started freaking out when I couldn't find them! AND... STILL NOTHING! I have NO idea where they are and I'm SERIOUSLY sad!

thought of the day... I really don't want to look like I have no life so I'm like all freaked out about posting everyday. But oh well at least I'm posting at all right??
- Stacey -

Thursday, January 12, 2006


SUPER huge thanks to Hannah, Faith, Ryan & Topher for all of your putting up with my headaches.... well... the headaches I must have given you! hahaha. But it's cool it's all worked out now and I have 1 count it 1 blog site now... well that is until Topher creates the one for WaY. hahaha. But seriously thanks guys. OH! and I almost forgot John. Thanks for the pics... I will hopefully have that changed by the end of the day. :)

Y'all are gems I owe each and everyone one of you BIG time!

*thought of the moment*

woah... I don't have any... that's odd... my mind is a complete blank... must be now that this is taken care of... well I'm cold and it's the warmest day of the year so far... does that count? hahaha

- Stacey -

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Newbie alert!

Forgive me I'm still working on this whole thing. Should be no time before I have it up and running with the rest of the clan from CU (Cornerstone University)... it's where I work... sort of... I work for 2 of the 3 (technically 4) radio stations that are an outreach of CU. Anyway.. this is me at home the other day...

Look! It's me! :D Posted by Picasa

Oh Happy (Foggy) Day

Ok so here's the deal... I woke up this morning to... dun dun dun... surprise surprise... WaYfm. Anyway... "Mood Rings" by: Relient K was playing and it made me laugh and gave me this thought... I should do a daily (Or better yet... Blogly) "what I'm thinking right now." so... your "what I'm thinking right now" for this blog is....

Why do people call a navel a belly button it doesn't look like a button? and speaking of buttons... who came up with that term? and why do people say "awe aren't you cute as a button?" Does anyone SERIOUSLY tink buttons are cute??? OH and "navel" why "Navel" oranges?

I could go on with my constant confusion of Hawk Nelson being Canadian and sending letters to the president that they DON'T have... But let's save that for another time... I'm always confused with that one!
Thanks to all who called the request lines last night telling me jokes trying to see if I would get them or how long it would take me to get them... and no I wasn't making any of that up... I'm just really that bad with them.

OH and one more note... LESLIE!!!! I hope you're reading this since you aren't getting my IMs....

I realized today that I... once again... was jumping to the wrong conclusions. The 'bad day' i've been having a lot lately and gradually getting better from is totally over. I realized that Leslie was right and I was thinking the worst when it really was not at all what I was thinking. So thanks to all of you that noticed I was having a bad day when I tried to hide it (Moose & Leslie) and to those of you who left me notes of encouragement when I wasn't hiding it well enough... or at all.

So all is well and even this foggy... dreary... half rainy weather wont get me down today!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Cable in the Middle Of Nowhere

Ok this is SERIOUSLY disturbing! I live in the middle of nowhere in the middle of Michigan... So my cable options aren't the best. So therefore it's harder for me to keep up with my favorite sport, Soccer. SO... I just went online to get the updates since I've been out of the loop for a while. Ok... you ready for this....

Micheal Owen is playing for Newcastle United.


Someone... please tell me this is something new and I don't need to binge out on hourly soccer stats just to make sure I don't miss this sort of thing again.

That's it! I'm moving to Europe where it's easy to follow the UEFA! see I don't like football... basketball... baseball... tennis... what other sports am I missing? I can watch golf. I LOVE HOCKEY. But Soccer is my favorite sport and I have NO idea what's going on!

ok enough of my rantings. I have to get to a meeting. *takes a deep breath* bye

- Stacey -

SUPER jealous!

I just called my cousin, Christopher... poor guy is the only boy cousin on that side of the family and there are 9 of us girls (technically 10 but that's another story). Anyway... I called him to let him know about the KJ52 concert coming to town in late March. Much to my surprise he and Aunt Julie... *deep breath* are in KEY WEST!

And I was all excited that it was going to get in the 40's today! They're enjoying the upper 70's! Man I'm jealous. :(

But hey Matt Hammitt from Sanctus Real will be in the WaYg studio on Mike's show giving away their Fight The Tide cd for the Tuesday Tounge Twister game. Tune in to win! Pictures taken by moi will be posted on my website shortly there-after.

- Stacey -

Monday, January 09, 2006

Little Red...

Ok so here's the deal I work for HIS KIDS RADIO too... for those of you who have NO idea what that is besides the obvious "a radio station for kids" It's one of WaYfm's sister stations geared towards 2 - 12 year olds. ANYWAY... Mike had a picnic basket looking... well... basket in his office of mine (well HIS KIDS). So I grabbed it while I was last in his office so he didn't have to deal with it being in his way and because it had some of my HIS KIDS balloons, Pins & Color Pages/Word Searches. I was waiting for him to get off the phone and John Balyo walks by (probably still looking for his log) and goes "Goin' on a picnic?" I laughed and called back "Yeah! Want a balloon?"

So yeah it was funny... THEN...

Couchman got off the phone and goes "Hey little red riding hood!"

Yeah.... THEN...

I stopped to talk to Michael Sirianni (Middays on WCSG) cause he's my support system for my OCD (Not WAY out of control... just a few things... I have a touch of it). So I had to update him that I think one of my "I have to do this numerous times" things is completely gone (WAHOO!!!! *does a happy dance*). And he made some 'awe how cute' comment about my carrying the basket back to my office.


Jeff Vance (another guy from WCSG) walked by Sirianni's office and goes "Look it's Little Red Stacey Hood!"

I'm just wondering how many other people were thinking of a 'little red riding hood' comment and never said anything. hahahah

k bye...
- Stacey -

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Today in West - Central Michigan looks and feels like Spring is just around the corner. So much so that I have been cleaning like it is. Not to mention eating that way also. It seems that all that I am eating lately has the word "salad" in it. I love salads. I grew up in a house where 3 out of the 4 of us girls loved them (Mom, Anisa & I). Jen was the only one of us who never liked lettuce. In fact she doesn't like "green" food. as she calles it. So hardly any veggies which I could live off of... well ok that and chinese food. But I'm all excited cause later on today I'm going to go on a walk with my mom. Something we haven't done since the fall but we love to do.

I'm so proud of myself... I.... sort of... learned how to braid my hair. I grew up a tomboy and as you can tell from my pictures... I'm not good with doing my own hair. Usually if something more than curled ends, a messy bun, or a ponytail is done with it... it's all Anisa. But hey... I'm working on it :)

Until next time....

- Stacey -

Friday, January 06, 2006

Trouble in Spazland...

Ok I'm having a SERIOUS complex here!

My beautiful niece, Emmalee (and her just as beautiful sister, Kendra) are having a sleep over at my apartment tonight. So I was playing with Emmalee and she saw my stomach when I was lying down and goes "Is that a ring in your tummy?" I explained to her that yes Aunt Stacey has an "earring" in her belly. And then she goes "You're fat"

Ok I was just told today by John Balyo (10am - 2pm weekday on WaYfm) at the WCSG Blood Drive that I could afford to eat my usual double cheese burger from Mickie D's. He goes "I bet you get told a lot that people hate you." Don't be like that... He was talking about my weight... Ok seriously!!! How can I be fat when I only weigh 97 lbs. Yes I said 97 lbs. No I'm not lying. Don't believe me? I will bring a scale to the next WaYfm event I attend... Come and see. ANYWAY... so I'm having a serious complex here... 3 year olds are like SUPER honest. She called me fat. I just wanted to cry. Ok I'm done whining now.

- Stacey -

Thursday, January 05, 2006

HUGELY small favor!

I know I know... ANYWAY... As you can tell by my recent comments a co-dj/friend of mine, Andy (Overnights Mon - Fri) has only had 25 page views. So please do me a HUGELY small favor and go to his page... add him as a friend... leave him a comment saying that I'm a cool friend for getting him more page views! :D

This is Andy...

He can be found by clicking HERE!

- Stacey -

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Rainy Days & Mondays...

Ok so it's not Monday and No I'm not going to start singing anything by the Carpenters... But I truly detest totally bleh days like today and yesterday. Honestly why does Michigan have to be known as the state that never has consistent weather? For once I would love to wake up and go "oh yesterday was cold and wet... I bet today is!" Instead of having to listen to the weather channel every 5 minutes to see if it's changed. Cause you never know if that day after the "cold and wet" day is going to be breaching the 100's and not a cloud in the sky.

Sorry. It's just that when we get weather like this I get really depressed. My mom is the same way. In fact the weather yesterday drained me so much that it took literally all of my energy to get my lazy self out of bed this morning. Not a good thing when I have to check in radios and answer phones for His Kids Radio.

Oh well... another day older another smidge wiser... right?

How are those New Years Resolutions comin' y'all?

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Bugs In The Plans

Ok so what do you do when your heart gets broken? Blame the other person for being the one that broke you heart? Blame your friends for letting you get hurt? How about blame yourself for falling for that person in the first place? No matter how you act when something like this happens... never loose sight of the one that will be there when things don't go the way you plan them. God has a plan for everyone. It's not God that makes these things happen. But rest asure He will be there to cry with you when it does. He'll be there to hold you when you need a shoulder in unknown surroundings. God will pick you back up and show you a better path. You just have to open your heart and your mind to see it.

Yes... Leslie... I think you're right in what you said last night. ALL OF IT. :)

- Stacey -

Monday, January 02, 2006

Bad Day....

I need major help... I had a horrible day... one of the worst in a while. It was so bad that I almost called "him" the one person I'm supposed to stay away from. But ever since I've known him he's the only person who knew EXACTLY what to say. Maybe that's why I wanted to talk to him. I wanted to hear that everything was going to be ok. But that's exactly the reason I need to stay away from him. Well.. that amungst other reasons... In a nut shell... He always was a sweet talker. He knew exactly what made me tick... he knew how to get to me.

No I don't want him back... he was a better friend then he ever was a boyfriend... I thought he was a good boyfriend... but once I realized who he really was... and the lies he had told... I realize it was all for the best. Who am I kidding... he wouldn't even answer the phone. He's forgotten all about me. But to be totally honest that's a good thing. Then I don't have to fight him again.

However I did call someone who had been a good boyfriend. Someone who loved me and someone I hurt. He's always been such a good friend and I'm glad we will always have that.

thanks for listening to the sob story... it's over now I promise.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Tacos & Broken Dreams

Oh man do I have a story... Ok see a certain fast food franchise... I'll give you a hint or 10... two words... first words is Taco and the second is Bell... just opened like litterally 2 minutes from my apartment... Well my big sister, Anisa (Youngest of 3) & have been promising each other that we'd go... Well it opened Dec 19 and we JUST got around to going tonight. We got all geeked and went...

We're in the drive through and even more geeked cause for the first time since it opened there weren't like a million cars there. So we decide what we want and pull up to order and the guy goes "Umm.. we're closed cause of equipment failure..." So of course we pulled away TOTALLY disappointed. My 7 months pregnant sister didn't get her taco and my poor stomach just ate my spleen cause it's mad at me for not feeding it a chicken qusadilla.

Can you tell I'm seriously sad about this?

- Stacey -

Merry Happy New Year!

First off MERRY NEW YEAR! :D

Awight... so it's jouwnaw twime... ok enough of the baby talk... sorry I'm a... umm.... "odd" mood. Sorry there was an incident with a taco and I'm seriously sad. but anyway...

Ok so last night I got to hang out with some friends of mine, The Emberlight, for a New Years Bash that WaYfm has been talking about for a few months now. While there I got to meet some cool new people and a few of the guys from The Elms.

ok story time!

y'all know about my New Kids On The Block shirt... ok well I wore it last night and then later on while we were all just sitting around out in the lobby and had our jackets on ready to leave the lead singer from The Elms.... Owen... I think... was sitting in a chair behind me (I was sitting on a table with my back to him) Anyway... he goes "So do you guys play the New Kids On The Block on your station?" and then he said something about my promoting them or something. Anyway it was funny and I just remember thinking "I've had my jacket on for a while now... either he really likes the shirt or he has a really good memory."

It was just one of those things where I didn't know how to respond so I just laughed and looked like an idiot. So yeah... just felt you needed to know :D

Good night.