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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Rainy Days & Mondays...

Ok so it's not Monday and No I'm not going to start singing anything by the Carpenters... But I truly detest totally bleh days like today and yesterday. Honestly why does Michigan have to be known as the state that never has consistent weather? For once I would love to wake up and go "oh yesterday was cold and wet... I bet today is!" Instead of having to listen to the weather channel every 5 minutes to see if it's changed. Cause you never know if that day after the "cold and wet" day is going to be breaching the 100's and not a cloud in the sky.

Sorry. It's just that when we get weather like this I get really depressed. My mom is the same way. In fact the weather yesterday drained me so much that it took literally all of my energy to get my lazy self out of bed this morning. Not a good thing when I have to check in radios and answer phones for His Kids Radio.

Oh well... another day older another smidge wiser... right?

How are those New Years Resolutions comin' y'all?