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Friday, January 06, 2006

Trouble in Spazland...

Ok I'm having a SERIOUS complex here!

My beautiful niece, Emmalee (and her just as beautiful sister, Kendra) are having a sleep over at my apartment tonight. So I was playing with Emmalee and she saw my stomach when I was lying down and goes "Is that a ring in your tummy?" I explained to her that yes Aunt Stacey has an "earring" in her belly. And then she goes "You're fat"

Ok I was just told today by John Balyo (10am - 2pm weekday on WaYfm) at the WCSG Blood Drive that I could afford to eat my usual double cheese burger from Mickie D's. He goes "I bet you get told a lot that people hate you." Don't be like that... He was talking about my weight... Ok seriously!!! How can I be fat when I only weigh 97 lbs. Yes I said 97 lbs. No I'm not lying. Don't believe me? I will bring a scale to the next WaYfm event I attend... Come and see. ANYWAY... so I'm having a serious complex here... 3 year olds are like SUPER honest. She called me fat. I just wanted to cry. Ok I'm done whining now.

- Stacey -