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Sunday, January 01, 2006

Merry Happy New Year!

First off MERRY NEW YEAR! :D

Awight... so it's jouwnaw twime... ok enough of the baby talk... sorry I'm a... umm.... "odd" mood. Sorry there was an incident with a taco and I'm seriously sad. but anyway...

Ok so last night I got to hang out with some friends of mine, The Emberlight, for a New Years Bash that WaYfm has been talking about for a few months now. While there I got to meet some cool new people and a few of the guys from The Elms.

ok story time!

y'all know about my New Kids On The Block shirt... ok well I wore it last night and then later on while we were all just sitting around out in the lobby and had our jackets on ready to leave the lead singer from The Elms.... Owen... I think... was sitting in a chair behind me (I was sitting on a table with my back to him) Anyway... he goes "So do you guys play the New Kids On The Block on your station?" and then he said something about my promoting them or something. Anyway it was funny and I just remember thinking "I've had my jacket on for a while now... either he really likes the shirt or he has a really good memory."

It was just one of those things where I didn't know how to respond so I just laughed and looked like an idiot. So yeah... just felt you needed to know :D

Good night.