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Sunday, January 08, 2006


Today in West - Central Michigan looks and feels like Spring is just around the corner. So much so that I have been cleaning like it is. Not to mention eating that way also. It seems that all that I am eating lately has the word "salad" in it. I love salads. I grew up in a house where 3 out of the 4 of us girls loved them (Mom, Anisa & I). Jen was the only one of us who never liked lettuce. In fact she doesn't like "green" food. as she calles it. So hardly any veggies which I could live off of... well ok that and chinese food. But I'm all excited cause later on today I'm going to go on a walk with my mom. Something we haven't done since the fall but we love to do.

I'm so proud of myself... I.... sort of... learned how to braid my hair. I grew up a tomboy and as you can tell from my pictures... I'm not good with doing my own hair. Usually if something more than curled ends, a messy bun, or a ponytail is done with it... it's all Anisa. But hey... I'm working on it :)

Until next time....

- Stacey -