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Sunday, January 22, 2006

Stacey's A Klutz!

Ok so most of y'all know I've been sick for a few days now.. well this morning I started getting over it. I was all geeked cause I went to my 2nd cousin's wedding yesterday (which was a long time coming) and then went to have dinner with my mom, sister and brother-in-law so life was pretty good in the land of Stacey. Well that is until I went to the store to get cheese for dinner and suddenly my clumsiness comes into play... I slammed my left pointer finger in the car door. I was with my mom in her car and I had locked the door so I was like "Mom... help... Can you unlock the door? My finger is caught in it."

That was about the time my body caught on and goes "oh hey.. This hurts" So then my calmness stopped and my eyes started to tear as I tried to not make a fool out of myself by dancing around the parking lot crying and holding my finger. I slammed it right at the base of my nail so luckily it started to bleed so some of that pressure is gone. But it started to turn that unsightly purplish black almost as soon as I got it out from the jaws of the door. So pray that God will make the throbbing go away and that I get to keep my nail.

Thought of the moment... my newest pet-peeve... typing with only 9 fingers.... I might as well type with only one hand!


Anonymous said...

stacey!!! i got it to work!!! i'm sorry for your finger. and for the news you got
today. i really am. but there is a silver lining in all things....and i think you're
looking in the right places. i love you and i'm always prayin for you. i love you
cousin! ;) -Les