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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

SUPER jealous!

I just called my cousin, Christopher... poor guy is the only boy cousin on that side of the family and there are 9 of us girls (technically 10 but that's another story). Anyway... I called him to let him know about the KJ52 concert coming to town in late March. Much to my surprise he and Aunt Julie... *deep breath* are in KEY WEST!

And I was all excited that it was going to get in the 40's today! They're enjoying the upper 70's! Man I'm jealous. :(

But hey Matt Hammitt from Sanctus Real will be in the WaYg studio on Mike's show giving away their Fight The Tide cd for the Tuesday Tounge Twister game. Tune in to win! Pictures taken by moi will be posted on my website shortly there-after.

- Stacey -