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Friday, January 20, 2006

being sick part 2

ok so I was up off and on all night coughing. Well around 2:30 am I got a call from my friend, Lynn. I met Lynn a few years back when I dated one of his best friends, Jimmy. Oh man was that a mistake and a half.... but that's another story... ANYWAY... Lynn asked how the progression with the crush was going. I told him it was getting closer to my telling him that I like him. So when I told Lynn that I hadn't told my crush yet he goes "Ok now you owe me a date!" If you knew Lynn, you'd laugh and realize it's just Lynn.

Anyway... Lynn is SUPER funny and the first time I coughed while talking to him he was like "Stacey's got Teberculosis." and then later on after coughing like 50 times he goes "Yeup. Stacey's dying." Basically Lynn is a dork. But you'd have to know Lynn to understand him. hahaha

So yeah it was an interesting evening and for an update... for those of you that don't know... my "crush" e-mailed me back - it was a simple and to the point 'thanks' e-mail but at least it was something. :D

OH! and I purchased a new lamp for my desk. I've been being a baby over how I wanted a cute little lamp for my desk and last night I found the perfect one. So it's proudly lighting up my desk as we speak.