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Monday, January 02, 2006

Bad Day....

I need major help... I had a horrible day... one of the worst in a while. It was so bad that I almost called "him" the one person I'm supposed to stay away from. But ever since I've known him he's the only person who knew EXACTLY what to say. Maybe that's why I wanted to talk to him. I wanted to hear that everything was going to be ok. But that's exactly the reason I need to stay away from him. Well.. that amungst other reasons... In a nut shell... He always was a sweet talker. He knew exactly what made me tick... he knew how to get to me.

No I don't want him back... he was a better friend then he ever was a boyfriend... I thought he was a good boyfriend... but once I realized who he really was... and the lies he had told... I realize it was all for the best. Who am I kidding... he wouldn't even answer the phone. He's forgotten all about me. But to be totally honest that's a good thing. Then I don't have to fight him again.

However I did call someone who had been a good boyfriend. Someone who loved me and someone I hurt. He's always been such a good friend and I'm glad we will always have that.

thanks for listening to the sob story... it's over now I promise.