Wedding Countdown Ticker

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


ok well as a follow up to the last post... I e-mailed him... sort of... I'm trying here.

So anyway... got to meet Warren Barfield today. That was super cool. I've actually been a fan of his since "My Heart Goes Out" and he never tours on this side of the country so it was way unexpected but really nice to meet him. He's REALLY funny! I got to hear the new cd too... just fyi... it's really good! :D

As you can tell by the subject... I'm sick. Not sick enough to stay home though. But I would personally like to thank whomever I obtained this from this time. That's about all that is happening in the land of Stacey. well all except my thoughts right now...

*intro music that's all jazzy*

I guess I never realized how blue eyes can get. I mean I always know they could get like so blue they almost... oh what's the word... umm... well... you know... anyway... I guess I never really paid any attention until now. As you all know I have a BIG crush. Well I just saw a new picture of him and I tell ya his eyes are the bluest I've ever seen. THIS IS NOT GOOD! I'm supposed to not be thinking about him all the time... seeing that is NOT helping at all. Ok ranting over. Night. *cough*

- Stacey -


Anonymous said...

hehe . . . well trying is good ^^

And I really liked your jazzy intro music, what song was that?

Oh, and one last thing. Stop being sick . . . that's no fun :P

Stacey Ree said...

um thanks Corey... don't think I could get through this "sickness" without you telling me that it's not fun. hahaha

OH! btw... he e-mailed me back!!! *dances in her seat*

- Stacey -

Stacey Ree said...

OH! I'm a dork... it was.... umm... "I Love Paris" lol that's the first Jazz song I thought of... I don't even like that song hahaha

- Stacey -