Wedding Countdown Ticker

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Newbie alert!

Forgive me I'm still working on this whole thing. Should be no time before I have it up and running with the rest of the clan from CU (Cornerstone University)... it's where I work... sort of... I work for 2 of the 3 (technically 4) radio stations that are an outreach of CU. Anyway.. this is me at home the other day...

Look! It's me! :D Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Awww . . . you look so cute in that hat.

- And you better figure this out like super quick and have some awesome stuff going on, like fireworks and explosions, and all sorts of neat special effects all over you page.

- Corey - (just in case you were wondering, cause I am Anonymous ^___^)

Stacey Ree said...

awe thanks Corey.. and yes I knew it was you... I mean you are one of my best friends, how could I NOT know it was you? hahaha

- Stacey -